Shakira almost ready to pop in adorable new video!

Shakira and her baby belly were out and about with her son Milan and Gerard Piqué during the holidays. They even had time to frolic in the snow and post a video of Shakira sledding on Instagram. I have to tell you that the caption Shakira posted which reads, "Signing off for 2014 with some extreme sports! Wishing you all a very happy 2015!!" had me all kinds of worried though. Extreme sports with tremenda barrigota? Shakira is way too pregnant to be doing any kind of extreme sports so I was scared to press play, but I'm glad I did.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Shakira & Gerard Pique's storybook romance (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

~ Signing off for 2014 with some extreme sports! Wishing you all a very happy 2015!! ~ Despido el año practicando deportes de riesgo! 🙂 Les deseo un muy feliz 2015 a todos!!! Shak

Une vidéo publiée par Shakira (@shakira) leDéc. 12, 2014 at 6:30 PST

Is that not the cutest video? I love it. I couldn't tell at the beginning if Shakira was going to go sledding down some kind of hill or something so I was relieved to see that the surface she's on is only at a slight angle. She wasn't in any kind of danger or anything, thank God because no one wants to see a pregnant woman careening down a snow covered mountain at high speed.

What I found really touching is how Milan runs up to her the second he's able to and smothers her with love. Also, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not always the biggest fan of Gerard Piqué, but I couldn't resist his exuberance in this short clip. He's so in the moment and enjoying being with his family. Listening to the warmth in his voice as he calls Shakira "mi amor" and tells her that their son is going towards her, it's a wonder the snow around them didn't melt. I'm a total sap and sucker for love, so he got me with that.

Shakira and Piqué are expecting their second child, another boy. You guys, Shakira is due like any minute now. From the looks of this video, Shakira is doing great. I can't wait to see the Milan's baby brother!

Image via Mezcal