It's hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This is a favorite holiday for Latinos because it brings together all the things we love: spending time with family and good friends while eating delicious food. It's also a great time to teach little ones about the true meaning of el Día de Acción de Gracias. In other words, we can take advantage of this day to teach or kids about gratitude and being thankful for even the smallest things in our lives. One of the easiest ways to do that is by reading them books like the ones below, which happen to be bilingual or in Spanish.
Gracias * Thanks

This is one of my favorite books to read to my children this time of year. It was written by prolific children’s author Pat Mora and it's perfect for little ones because it explains the true meaning of the holiday. The simple story is about a boy and all the things he is thankful for. I always have my kids make lists with the things they're thankful for.
Amazon.com, $16.16
Celebra el Dia de Accion de Gracias con Beto y Gaby

Well-know bilingual children books’ authors, Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy write about what happens to a group of elderly friends of the main character's grandmother are stranded during Thanksgiving thanks to a snowstorm.
Amazon.com, $9.99
Thanks: Gratitude for Children | Gracias: Gratitud para niños

Another lovely little book to teach your kids the meaning of gratitude and to help them realize all the things/people they can be thankful for. Beautiful! My kindergartener loves it!
Amazon.com, $10.80
Gracias el Pavo de Thanksgiving

This is a super cute story about a Latino boy in New York City and how he manages to save the life of his pet turkey.
Amazon.com, $9.99
Thanksgiving/Día De Acción De Gracias

This bilingual book belongs to a series that includes all the holidays celebrated in the United States.
Amazon.com, $7.34