Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling are settling into family life and loving it! The couple has reportedly been nesting and spending quality time with their newborn daughter. Gosling's family was recently snapped visiting Eva and Ryan's little bundle of joy. It seems like Ryan is really enjoying fatherhood! Eva and Ryan recently filmed their baby girl's first bath time. What a beautiful milestone!
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According to E! Online, Eva loves her role as a new mom. An insider also revealed, "Ryan is very hands on. Changes diapers, rocks her to sleep–they gave her first bath together and videotaped the whole thing." How cute! We are counting down other baby firsts that are truly unforgettable. Can you guess them all?
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Holding their own bottle

In this moment, you want to jump for joy! At around ten months old, babies start putting their motor skills to the test by holding their own bottle. This milestone just can’t be missed!
Taking first long trip

Using the car seat for a long journey is a big deal! You are hoping they don’t cry the entire ride or get car sick. The best part of it all is feeling like a little familia on the go.
Saying “Mama” or “Papa”

Around eight to twelve months, babies are imitating speech sounds and are likely to melt our hearts by finally saying “mama” or “papa.” Of course, all babies develop at their own pace so don’t freak out if it doesn’t happen within this timeframe. Speak to your doctor about any speech development concerns you may have.
Crawling & taking first steps

Their first moment of independence comes with being able to crawl all over the casa. Next thing you know, they are taking their first steps and zooming from room to room. It is one of the most joyous milestones for parents.
Sleeping through the night

Restless nights are a part of motherhood for the first couple of months. You can kiss a good night’s sleep farewell until they are old enough to sleep through the night, which typically hits around eight to twelve months. You can finally breathe a sigh of relief.
First professional baby pictures

Taken for baby announcements and to frame in your house, the first professional baby pictures are treasured and always near and dear to the parents´ heart.
When she gets her ears pierced

The controversial cultural tradition is a bonding experience between mother and daughter. It is a tough milestone for the mom to witness, but thankfully it is over in seconds. Make sure to take your baby to a doctor who is experienced in piercing babies’ earlobes and will use hypoallergenic surgical steel.
First family selfie

Snapping the first family selfie is almost just as memorable as the first professional photo! Sharing the photo with your loved ones on social media cannot be missed or skipped.
Loving their first playdate

Your baby’s first playdate is the cutest milestone to watch! Seeing how your child interacts with another baby and learns how to communicate is pretty priceless.
Getting baptized

For religious families, this is a huge milestone that represents dedicating your child to Christ and selecting godparents for the baby. The baby is dressed in a white outfit that is often saved and passed down for generations. It is a huge milestone that is celebrated with close loved ones.
First baby class

Whether it is swimming, yoga or music class, bringing your baby to a class for a new learning experience is always one of the best feelings in the world. Truly unforgettable.