WATCH: Zoe Saldana FINALLY confirms she’s pregnant!

It looks like every celebrity out there is participating in the ALS ice bucket challenge, which helps raise money for Lou Gehrig's Disease. These countless videos have been flooding my social media feeds to no end. I'm telling you, I was thisclose to deactivating my Instagram account, until I stumbled upon an adorable challenge video posted up by Zoe Saldana. Why was I so intrigued by this one particular video? Because Zoe FINALLY admits she's pregnant and in the most adorable way ever!

Read more ¿Qué más?: WATCH: Jennifer Lopez  + other celebs complete the ALS ice bucket challenge!

It's about time Zoe openly acknowledged her pregnancy. I mean, the girl has been showing off an obvious baby bump for crying out loud! We all already knew she was knocked up, but she's never actually addressed it to the public yet. It's about time!

This video had me seriously cracking up though. Apparently Zoe was nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge and used it to make her pregnancy announcement. "Obviously, I can't do it myself," she said as she turned to the side to rub her baby bump. How cute is that? Due to her pregnancy, Zoe passes the challenge over to her husband Marco who takes a seat on this chair positioned right in front of their backyard pool. Seconds later a large bucket of ice water is dumped over his head causing him to scream and then jump into the pool. It was pretty freaking funny actually.

Anyhow, I'm just excited to see Zoe FINALLY acknowledge her pregnancy to the public. I really thought she was going to pull an Eva Mendes on us and not say a word about it. I can't wait to see how she'll be dressing up that growing bump!

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