7 Things you thought you’d never need until you became a parent

It's funny when you hear non-parents talking about stuff they will never do when they become parents. For the most part you bite your tongue and smile politely all the while thinking: Yeah, right! You have no idea what you are talking about or what you are in for, but go on and mock those of us who are in the parenting trenches because you will get yours!

I mean, it's normal, we all thought that way before becoming parents. We were all way too cool and way to hip to turn into stereotypical parents. We all swore there were certain parenting pitfalls we would never fall into … hahahaha! Live and learn.

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Here are seven things you never thought you would need until you became a parent!

1. A king sized bed. You swore you wouldn't co-sleep and maybe for the most part you don't, but on some nights you have no choice if you want to get any sleep and you wouldn't think a teeny tiny child could take up so much room, but they do and you would give your kingdom for a king sized bed on those nights.

2. Yoga pants as part of your everyday outfits. You used to wear stretchy pants to work out, now you wear them to the store, to doctor's appointments, to sleep. You are so addicted to those damn things that you wonder if you could dress them up with a killer pair a heels and a sequined top and wear them to that wedding you are going to next week.

3. A tablet. Yeah, the kind that are not really a computer, but more like a big version of your phone. You never thought you'd NEED one of those because you have your phone and a computer. The thing is, when you have kids a tablet is a lifesaver. You can use it to entertain your kids. You can hop online with it real quick to order something you need. You can read on it without squinting as you put your baby to sleep.

4. A faja. Fajas are for old ladies, you told yourself before you had kids. Now that you are a mother you realize that fajas are also for mothers who can't wear stretchy yoga pants everywhere.

5. Crocs. You used to laugh at anyone over the age of 10 who wore Crocs. So what if they are comfortable, you would say. A person needs to have some pride in their appearance. The thing is you were totally wrongn … they make some really cute ones that go so well with your yoga pants and they make you feel like you are walking on clouds.

6. White noise. You thought white noise for falling asleep was the most ridiculous thing ever. Your kid was going to fall asleep even if a marching band was parading around the room next door. Plus you've even heard that white noise can really hurt a baby, so why would you even think of using it. BECAUSE YOU WANT YOUR BABY TO SLEEP and white noise works.

7. Naps. Not just for the kids, but for you. You read the advice that you should nap when your baby naps and you thought that was silly because you were going to use baby's nap time to start your own online advice column for moms who can have it all and then some. Then you had a kid and sometimes the only way that you can get yourself out of bed is by thinking of the next time you will be allowed to get back in bed and you don't want it all and then some, you just want some sleep. 

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