WATCH: Everything you thought you knew about pregnancy is wrong

You know what's nuts? That we are all here as the result of a pregnancy and yet in many ways pregnancy still remains this sort of weird, mythical state of wonder that isn't a common knowledge sort of thing. Yes, we know how a person gets pregnant the natural way and even understand that at times the help of medical science is needed in order to conceive. But just because we know how someone gets pregnant doesn't mean we know a thing about pregnancy. There are so many strange facts and factoids about pregnancy that most of us don't know at all and I'm even talking about those of us who have actually been pregnant.

I mean I've been pregnant twice and I thought I knew all there was to know about pregnancy and then I watched the "Weird Facts About Pregnancy" below put out by Buzzfeed and there are some things in there that blew my mind and I'm thinking they will blow your mind too.

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Por ejemplo, have you ever wondered if babies can get erections in the womb? No? Honestly the thought never crossed my mind maybe because I had two girls, but once the question was posed, I had a burning desire to know. Well, even if you've never wondered, this video will answer the question for you.

I guess some of the information in the video qualifies more as trivia than facts you really need to know, but it is all fascinating nonetheless. Like call me crazy, but I couldn't get over the fact that at least one person has been pregnant for over a year. How is that even possible?

The ending of the video is perfect because it states, "Pregnancy may be magical, but it's also a little creepy." No doubt about that!

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