Dealing with a pesky cat-caller can be one of the most annoying things on this planet. Receiving a rude hiss or sexually-driven piropo from a stranger on the street can feel like the equivalent of having a pebble stuck in your shoe–it is irritating and violating. A 28-year-old Minnesota woman, and author of the site Cards Against Harassment, decided to stand-up to her shameless neighborhood cat-callers once and for all. Once confronted, these men's reactions were pretty priceless.
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Lindsey, who wanted to keep her last name private, decided to film these street pervs in action and confront their disrespectful ways. She told ABC News: "Women are acculturated to just say, 'I don't like it,' and, 'It makes me feel unsafe but I'm not going to say anything because that's just how it is.' If women don't feel like they can use public spaces with the same safety that most men walk through the world feeling, then that is a problem."
This woman is my hero right now! Cat-calling feels like a normal part of society, and in some neighborhoods, it is a daily routine few women can escape. Actually filming these men in action almost feels like she is holding up a mirror in front of them and allowing them to reflect on how gross their comments actually sound.
Some men in the clip apologized for their bad behavior while some guys continued to "holler" like idiots. Sigh. Lindsey's film project may not change the cat-calling culture overnight, but it seems like a pretty good start to fighting a nasty trend and demanding to walk peacefully down the street if we want to.
"I'm not sure if I'm changing hearts and minds, but if they are being annoying to me, I think I am a little entitled to be annoying back to them," she said. We say keep up the annoying behavior. Besides, every human should have the right to walk down the street peacefully and enjoy a cat-call free walk.
Image via ABC News