Garlic is amazing in food. I wouldn't know how to cook without it nor would I want to, but it does have the consequence of leaving you with garlic breath. Even if you brush your teeth right after a particularly garlicky meal, that garlic after-breath comes right back. That's because one of the compounds in garlic, allyl methyl sulphide, cannot be broken down during digestion and instead gets released from the body in the breath and sweat.
Don't worry, scientists have found that there are other foods that can help you mitigate the smell of garlic on your breath.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 6 Things your mouth can tell you about your health
Here are seven foods that can help you naturally get rid of garlic breath so you can make-out after your next date night dinner or just not make others pass out.
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Milk is quite effective in reducing garlic breath especially if you drink it before or during a meal. I wonder if it's any more effective if I have it with Kahlua? It's the fat in milk that helps get rid of the odor, so the more fat in your milk the better it is at getting rid of garlic breath.

Apparently an apple a day isn't just good for keeping the doctor away. Reach for an apple after a garlicky meal to keep bad breath at bay.
Lemon juice

Lemon juice helps cut down on garlic breath. It seems to be the acidity that helps with the deodorizing.
Green Tea

The polyphenols in green tea can help reduce the sulfur compounds in garlic. Drink some before or with your meal for best results.

I love that spinach is good at combating garlic breath because I also love eating spinach sauteed with garlic. Perfect!

The parsley that restaurants love to garnish your meals with isn't just there to look pretty, it's also there to refresh your breath. Chew on that!

That mint is a natural breath freshener will come as no surprise to anybody or their abuela. Bartender, I'd like a mojito please!