Plastic surgery can give you thigh gap now & it sounds horrifying

This obsession with getting our bodies as unrealistically perfect as possible has gotten out of hand! I'm not surprised that there are now surgeries for specific "imperfections" we probably never would have known about had it not been for the media (thanks, media). If you're one of those women whose been yearning for "thigh gap" but haven't been able to achieve it, Thrive, a Dallas wellness clinic is here to help with ther new "thigh gap therapy" .

However, the procedure sounds less than appealing because it involves you getting zapped in the crotch with a laser. Um, no thanks, I think I'll stick with my thigh-rubbing limbs if that's the case.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Model calls BS on "thigh gap" trend & she's totally right!

"Thigh gap therapy" uses a cold laser therapy called Zerona intended to help reshape the body. It is ideal for those who don't want to go under the knife, but still want to fix their flaws. The therapy zaps fat cells by shrinking them and eliminating them in hard to reach areas. It is considered painless and a good way to resculpt your trouble areas in only a number of sessions.

Besides creating that perfect thigh gap, people also come in for Zerona sessions on their ankles and loose arm skin. Thrive owner Clint Herzog says that the way the cold laser therapy procedure works is simple."The laser goes in and it basically emulsifies that outside layer of the fat, and allows it to exit out of your lymphatic system," he explained. 

One woman, Tara, who went in for the thigh gap therapy says she tries to exercise and eat well, but she is still unhappy with her thighs. She was intimidated when she first came in for the session, but was relieved once she understood how the therapy worked. "When I first came in, they told me to spread 'em, and then I was nervous. It's a nice alternative. I can't feel a single thing," she said.

Reportedly thigh gap therapy clients can see a difference in their thighs in as little as six sessions. Um, I'm still not convinced.

I don't get how these bodily obsessions come to be but I think many people need a reality check. First of all, thigh gap is not realistic on many women because their bodies aren't built to have it. Secondly, since when is it inhuman for your thighs to touch?! What bothers me about this is that I know next year there will be something else we are obsessing about that makes zero sense. Ladies, how about we just try to take care of our bodies a much as possible and accept them for what they are.

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