Pregnancy cancer kills mom 2 months after having twins

Life can be so unbearably heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. Take the story of Jenna Hinman, a gorgeous 26-year-old mother from upstate New York, who lost her battle with a rare pregnancy-related cancer called choriocarcinoma on Monday, two months after giving birth to premature twins. We shared this family's struggle with you in March and we along with so many of you said prayers for both Jenna and her little girls Kinleigh and Azlynn. Jenna is no longer alive, but as you read this story you will understand why this family still needs us to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

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Jenna and Brandon Hinman

Jenna was nine weeks away from her due date when she was rushed to the hospital because she was having breathing issues. Doctors were forced to deliver the babies and that's when the severity of Jenna's choriocarcinoma, a cancer that forms in the placenta and spreads quickly, was found. Her body was packed with tumors. She has been in a medically induced coma and on life support since March 6 and was even starting to do better, but then she came down with pneumonia and it was just too much for her body to handle. May she rest in peace.

Jenna's husband, Fort Drum Army Sgt. Brandon Hinman, is now without the love of his life. It breaks my heart, she was only 26 years old  and she just had two little girls.

The twins are thriving, thank goodness. I'm so happy that they are healthy and well, that is a beautiful thing, but that they barely crossed paths with their mother in this life is like I said, unbearably heartbreaking.

I will be keeping Fort Drum Army Sgt. Brandon Hinman, Kinleigh and Azlynn in my thoughts. May they be surrounded by the support and love of many.

Images via Prayers for Jenna/Facebook