MUST READ: BEST letter in the world written by BEST abuelo in the world

Imagine being young and being different than most. Imagine having the courage to not hide your difference, to go to your mother and tell her how you are different. Imagine your mother, the person who is supposed to love you unconditionally throwing you out of the house, disowning you because you are different. There are many who don't have to imagine that scenario because they have actually gone through it. A letter that was allegedly written in response to the kind of scenario I just described has gone viral. The letter addressed to "Christine" allegedly written by a grandfather upset that his own daughter disowned his grandson for being gay is touching the hearts of many. It's the kind of letter that is worth a read.

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This letter first appeared on's Facebook page. It's handwritten and I have no idea how they got a copy of it or if it is even "real," but in a way that doesn't matter. I think what matters is the content of the letter that points out that being gay isn't a choice, but "being hateful, narrow-minded, and backward" is a choice and not a good one.

So whether this letter was written by the best abuelo in the world or by someone channeling their inner fairy grandfather, it's still an awesome letter.

I live in a bubble called San Francisco, California where people who happen to love people of the same gender can for the most part (unfortunately even here there are haters) walk around and be who they are and love whom they want without being ostracized. I like this bubble, but I know it is a not a fair representation of the rest of the country or the rest of the world. In the rest of the world being openly gay is still a very dangerous thing. I can't imagine what it must be like for a vulnerable young person to come out to a parent and be rejected or even worse thrown out of their home because of their sexual orientation. I like to think this sort of thing doesn't happen and yet I know it happens ALL the time. 

I hope that the reason this letter whether it is "real" or not has gone viral is because we are finally getting to a point where rejecting someone because of their sexual orientation will no longer be acceptable.

Images via Thinkstock and Facebook