Two moms give birth in hospital parking lot after bomb threat, as if childbirth wasn’t stressful enough!

Two women moments from giving birth at a Jasper, Alabama hospital were forced to give birth under an oak tree in the hospital parking lot! The Walker Baptist Medical Center had been evacuated after receiving a bomb threat–which meant that 21-year-old Tessa Kilgore and another as-of-yet unidentified woman had to give birth outside!

The scary situation unfolded as Kilgore had already been gone into labor and was pushing when she was told by nurses that she had to evacuate. Her week premature baby girl, Kylie, couldn't wait, though, and was born in the parking lot of the hospital once they were outside. How crazy is that?!

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The second mother and baby pairing identities were not revealed, but Kylie's father, La'Darrick Babbs, agreed that the experience was "crazy." After the delivery, the new mom and baby were taken in for evaluation at the outpatient surgery center and she expressed gratitude for the hospital's professionalism.

Despite the craziness stemming from the bomb scare, the hospital proved to be prepared for said situation and safely helped Kilgore deliver her baby. They took to their Facebook page and thanked the community for being helpful and supportive during the scare. Talk about a memorable childbirth!

Kilgore will have an interesting story to tell her daughter one day because it is pretty insane! I bet when she went in while in labor she expected it to be a quick and private procedure–but nope! As if labor wasn't stressful enough, these poor women had to go through this. At least the hospital–and these women–did a great job working under pressure.

 Image via Thinkstock