Or maybe they should … I was checking out examples of why parents shouldn't text, which not only made me laugh my butt off, but also convinced me that these embarrassing texts by parents are exactly why parents SHOULD keep doing this. I mean, come on, my mother got to embarrass me in so many ways, why can't I do it to my own kids? She once wore a bathing suit to drop me off at school and then the car broke down. She stood in the middle of traffic surrounded by "good Samaritans" all of whom happened to be male and quite eager to help the swimsuit-clad damsel in distress.
I am never going to do that to my kids simply because I can't rock a bathing suit like my mother, but I can send them some mortifying texts! At 2 and 4, my kids are nowhere near cellphone age, but that doesn't mean I can't start thinking of the missives I'll be sending. Here's what I've come up with so far…
Read more ¿Que Mas?: Texting FAIL: Husband accidentally texts wife a message to his mistress
- M'ija, are these chonies with the skid marks yours or your sister's?
- I need you to come home now and help me get this hair out of my mole!
- Tell the boy you're with that this text is for him: KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER! YOUR NAILS ARE DISGUSTING!
- Honey, you left your Facebook page open and I'm posting naked baby pictures of you. Your nalgitas are sooo cute!
Okay, I could go on and on, but instead I think you should take a look at these hilarious real texts from parents that have so inspired me.
Image via Parents Shouldn't Text
Sometimes parents need help from their kids

It's kind of sweet that a parent would go to their child to learn something, don't you think?
Breaking bad news

Adding lol at the end just makes bad news funny*.*
Classics never get old

I already do this to me eldest in conversation and it drives her crazy.
Where am I?

I love this one because half the time I don't know where I am or how I got there.
Pimpin' out her daughter

It's kinda sweet that this mother thinks her daughter is beautiful, but it's expressed rather creepily.