New moms are the WORST drivers & we know why!

I've always considered myself a safe driver. Luckily, in the more than 20 years I've been behind the wheel I've never had an accident, and only once did I get a speeding ticket when I was in my early 20s. Becoming a mom made me even more of a freak when it comes to driving safely. And yet, according to a new survey, new moms are among the most distracted drivers out there with almost 10 percent revealing they've had an accident with their baby in the car–nearly three times the rate in the general population!

In a way, I'm not surprised. After all, new moms barely get any sleep and lack of experience means every little noise coming from the baby will distract us.

But what I do find extremely surprising is that three out of four moms admitted to texting, calling, and reading messages or emails while driving with the baby on board. I'm not going to sit here and lie because I've done all of those things at some point, too, with both my kids in the back of the car. However, that 75 percent of new moms are doing this seems extremely dangerous and scary.

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We all know one second can make a huge difference when we take our eyes off the road while driving. If new moms are already distracted thanks to sleep deprivation and their futile attempts at calming a screaming baby in the back, the last thing they need to be doing is checking Facebook while they're behind the wheel!

I love my iPhone and I feel completely naked when I forget to charge it or when I can't find it, but the truth is that it represents a huge distraction when I'm driving. We all need to forget about multitasking when driving and remind ourselves constantly that our focus and attention need to be on the road at all times. 

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