15 Instagram moms who inspire us to love our bodies

If you’ve ever looked at yourself in the mirror and criticized your body because it doesn’t look the way you think it should or the way society has told you it should, this post is for you. If you want to raise children who don’t pick their appearance apart when they look in the mirror, then this post is for you. If you want to get to a place where when you think of or look at your body, what comes to mind first is how utterly magnificent it is, this post is for you. We can’t pretend that changing our mindsets is easy, but we can show you that it is doable with the help of some Instagram moms who inspire us to love our bodies.

More from MamásLatinas: Celebrities who are proud of their curves & inspire us to love our bodies

Imagine growing up in a world where all bodies are truly appreciated and accepted regardless of shape, size, color, age, ability, or appearance. A world where a woman can have a child and have all the changes that happen in her body celebrated and embraced instead of a world that expects mothers to “bounce back” to the bodies they used to have or the bodies they are “supposed” to have to be deemed socially acceptable. It’s kind of hard to imagine because we’re so far from living in that kind of world that it’s not even funny, but these Instagram moms are helping to create that kind of world and we invite you to follow them and be inspired.

Follow Denise Marie Bidot: @denisebidot.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"Our inner light is what makes us who we are and when we use our own strengths on any challenge we face, we will overcome it. I always knew that girls like me deserved to be represented in the fashion industry and by following my inner light I realized I could make an impact greater than I could have ever imagined."

Follow Ashley Graham: @ashleygraham.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"People have a lot of opinions on what my body looks like. They can say what they want I now my power."

Follow Zoe Chin loy: @zoechinloy.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"But why .. why would society want us to feel like crap about [our]selves? For financial gain of course!

They tell us cellulite is hideous so buy undergarments to smooth you out, buy this cream to help make them less obvious.
They treat stretchmarks like a medical condition that needs to be treated with a tummy tuck, laser, etc ( also for the 2947463 time I’m pro surgery).
They tell overweight people they are worthless unless they are skinny so buy my tea, buy my products, buy this membership.

Society tells us if you don’t get rid of the cellulite, the stretchmarks, the extra weight, etc you are unworthy. But what if you tuned them out? What if we all came together and accepted that our 'flaws' are what makes us unique and beautiful!

Well they would go broke that’s what. Don’t let society force you into supporting their billion dollar self hate industry! If you want to change something about yourself, do it on YOUR TERMS.

Get the surgery , get the diet tea, the work out plan, (don’t get anything for cellulite because that’s never gonna change) , get the Botox … but do it on your terms! Do it because this is what you want not because society tells you you need it to look a certain way and you are unworthy if you don’t.

My advice to you would be to learn to love yourself before doing any of these things! Because I guarantee you that if you do any of these things and you have not started your self love journey you will still hate yourself after. But after you start your self love journey, if you want to do some nipping and tucking I COMPLETELY support you! Just as long as you are doing it for you on your own terms.

Remember this body is not who we are, our character is who we really are."

Follow Michelle: @mamastay_healthy.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"Postpartum is T-O-U-G-H….

No one warns us about it.

We have to go through it.

There is no shortcut to exit postpartum.

It’s shocking. So many changes happen at once.

However, in order for us to stay healthy we also need to embrace this new body that we live in.

There are many ways we can learn to accept our body but before getting there, let’s embrace it first. Let’s take a look at HOW we can learn to love and accept it because trust me, I did NOT love my body when I first took a look in the mirror.

In my new blog I share 5 Powerful⚡️ways to embrace your fourth trimester body"

Follow Yomayra Castillo: @estilosasybellas.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"Sé quien tú quieras ser, lo que piensen o digan los demás que no te afecte ."

Or in English:

"Be who you want to be, don't let what others think or say affect you ."

Follow Madeline Jones: @plusjones.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"On the left: She’s body positive On the right: She’s body positive. ✨Don’t allow people to dictate how you show your body positivity. It comes from the INSIDE and however you present it to the world is your business."

Follow Jay Miranda: @pinklip.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"Here I am as a girl: outwardly I was quiet and shy; a cover for my insecurity. I had a big imagination, but I kept it to myself. If I could give myself some advice back then it’d be: 'You aren’t meant to fade into the background, you stand out. The stories you imagine—they’re good enough to be books and movies. Everything you need to make your dreams come true is already inside your mind and heart.' "

Follow Sarah Nicole Landry: @thebirdspapaya.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"In light of recent stealing of images to promote diet and weightloss using my pregnant body let me be clear…

I am not a before.
An after is not what I’m destined for.
I am a moving breathing human who ebbs and flows.
I am a “here” and a “becoming”.

A snapshot of my pregnancy and the beautiful weight that it carries has no place in selling programs of “fat loss” to the masses.

My pregnant body comparative to my pre-pregnant body has now been shared in multiple accounts, some with over a million followers to them. Selling a program. Selling a lie.

If you came here because you saw one of them, well hi! I’m Sarah.
I am here to honour my body, and respect it. I’m here to allow it ebbs and flows.
Holding and releasing, whichever way.
I’m here as a human learning.
I’m here to share with you life after obsessive dieting that I thought would make me happy.
I show up.
To be more than a body.
And yeah, I still struggle sometimes.
I question my worth.
I definitely have down days.
But I just keep showing up.
Living and breathing. Ebbing and flowing.
Making memories, no matter what.
I hope perhaps you choose to stick around and see what maybe that can mean "

Follow Lorraine C. Ladish: @lorrainecladish.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"You are only as sick as your secrets.

Some of you will immediately know where that slogan comes from.

12-step programs aren´t for everyone, but they saved members of my family. They saved me.

Until recently, I thought the days of hiding something – even from myself – were over.

I´d beat an eating disorder, self-harm, body dysmorphia, clinical depression and anxiety. It took decades, decades. But I did it.

And that is still behind me, thank goodness, albeit with the help of yoga and meds. 20 years of ED recovery here. It IS possible.

But what happens when the body you finally learned to love starts to show signs of aging.

In my case, at 55 and 56, I became ashamed of something that is natural, all while publicly advocating for loving one´s age.

I also became ashamed of my mind and spirit, because I KNEW I should definitely know better.

I became ashamed because three of my good friends, one of them my best friend, died of cancer and will never be my age and here I was, trying to hide sag in photos.

Then I took a good long look at my role in the "society" we complain about. I said this when I published my first book at 30, about my eating disorder, and I say it again. I AM a part of society. I CAN be the change.

I decided to stop being ashamed. It was a conscious choice. I decided to stop hiding. Swipe left to see this abdomen in tabletop, in plank, in downward dog.

The problem is we THINK those photos are unflattering. But why? Why do we think that?

Just a few months ago, I still asked my hubs – a professional photographer – to let me know during our photo shoots whether my abdomen was sagging, or my neck looked like a turkey´s, or my arms were flabby.

No more. No more.

I will be 57 in late August. Neurotic Virgo here. And hopefully will be 67 and 77 and 87, and maybe, like my late abuelita, 101.

And I am all of it. The human in a beautiful ball gown and the one staring at my sagging legs in downward dog. But most of all I am a soul seeking to be a better person every day.

What are YOU tired of being ashamed of at ANY age?"

Follow Christina Mendez: @modelchristinamendez.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"For years I avoided saying my age because the modeling industry is not kind….however this year I really wanted to be transparent and be proud of my years of life and experiences that God has provided me. This is 43 years of joy, pain, failure, wins and many more to come. I never felt so happy and confident."

Follow Jessie Diaz-Herrera: @curveswithmoves.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"❤️ BODY CENTERED HOME SERIES ❤️ I realized my health and wellness journey starts at home. What I eat, how I sleep, what products I use, heck even how I breathe! This series of photos in the next coming weeks is to focus on how we can make our home love us and not just us loving our homes. ✨ ♥️ ✨ ♥️ SHOWERS AS MINI SELF LOVE GETAWAY

Some people consider their showers the only time they have peace and quiet in their lives. If you’re busy like I am, showers are a way for me to pray, affirm and decompress. I thank God for getting me through this day and I affirm that my body is awesome as the pretty suds touch my radiant skin. Allow yourself time even just for 5 minutes to enjoy a getaway and thank yourself. Here’s how to start:

– Grab a vinyl shower cap and make sure your ears are tucked in.
– Place your hand on your heart and stand under the water allowing yourself to hear the patter of the water as it hits your ears, mimicking the sounds of a tropical rainforest.

    • Allow for breath work and breath in slowly for 6 seconds, hold for 4 secs and slowly release for 10.*
    • Thank God, the universe and yourself for making it another day.*
      – Do this 3-5x and Viola, your affirmation mindfulness is complete.
      – BONUS TIP: Take lavender and other essential oils you love and put about 2-4 drops in an ice cube tray, fill it with water and let it freeze. When your ready to shower, take 2-3 ice cubes in the shower and put them on the tub floor as they melt and emit an amazing aroma.

How do you spend your time in the shower?"

Follow Jazmyne: @mixedmombrownbabies.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"Today was one of those days. You know the ones where you try to cramp everything into the short 12 hours you’re awake. ⁣⁣
Grocery shopping, house hunting, picking up things for the house, mapping out a blog post and scheduling my content for the next two weeks, doing everyone’s hair and finally folding clothes. ⁣⁣
Day in and day out my to do list is never less then 8 things, and everyday I run myself to the ground. I’m exhausted. I’m frustrated that I didn’t get it all done but worse of all I’m not the best momma to my kiddos when I’m running on E from squeezing so much into so little. ⁣⁣
Momma, I know we have the world on our shoulders. I know we have a ton of things to accomplish in one day. But I also know how important taking time to rest needs to be. ⁣⁣
It’s okay if you don’t get it all done. It’s okay if you’d much rather spend the entire day on the couch binging your favorite shows then folding laundry. Do that! ⁣⁣
Happy kids come from a happy momma and no one can be happy when they over extend themselves. ⁣⁣
*Take it from one momma to another, we don’t have to be superwoman to be good moms."*⁣

Follow Priscilla Hedlin: @wheelchairmommy.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"Today’s #spinalcordinjuryawareness question is from @kariannincolor – she ask if the wheelchair [a]ffects my outfit choices. Yes, to a certain point, but the entire point of sharing my #ootd #dailyoutfits is to show the world and other #pushgirls that they can still wear just about anything. Not every style will work but that rings True for even #ablebodied women. I’ve never found #adaptiveclothing that actually worked for me. Most brands have something #readytowear that fits my seated frame. You just have to try things on and stick with brands you trust."

Follow Megan Rose Lane: @megan_rose_lane.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

"One day you’ll remember that you are a Goddess ✨♂️

And other people’s opinions won’t mean a goddamn thing.

They’ll laugh at you to make you small and you’ll be too busy basking in your own magnificence to even care.

You’ll glow so brightly and laugh in the face of shame.

Your entire being will radiate the type of confidence that turns every insecurity to dust.

You’ll find magic in the places you used to loathe.

You’ll speak your truth and use your voice and stand up for what you believe in.

You’ll know that you are always enough. Even on the days that life feels like it’s falling apart and your face is puffy and red from crying so much.

One day you’ll look in the mirror, and instead of pulling at your curves and picking at your spots and sighing at your reflection…

You’ll smile gently and see the most beautiful beam of light looking back at you.

You’ll explore your body with curiosity and admiration, whilst knowing that who you truly are defies physical form.

One day you’ll understand your worth,
and know how it feels to be completely free.

Follow Nicole Kestenbaum: @lipstickandbrunch.

An example of why we love her in her own words:

How It Started ➡️ How It’s Going

I was 5 years old when I started taking insulin shots because of my Type 1 Diabetes. I was not allowed to practice too many physical activities, have a slice of cake, eat my Halloween candy or have a juice box (unless my blood sugar went low of course)! I was always carrying more snacks than the average kid & my lunchtime companion was the school nurse. Growing up with this in Honduras was NOT EASY either! Couldn’t get my insulin or supplies sometimes – that’s why I am grateful to be here everyday.

It’s been 31 years & things have changed for the best! I don’t ask myself anymore “why me” , technology has worked in our favor & I am able to check my blood sugar levels on my Apple Watch. I am a mom, a wife, I stay active, enjoy cake once in a while (I always get stares from family members ) & live a happy, full life in spite of having to always think of my Diabetes management. Diabetes does not define me, it is part of me and it’s made me appreciate life more. If you have a significant other with T1D let them know you love them because they have an invisible disease they are battling every day.