While some names endure year after year, there is always a spate of newly popular baby names that seem to define each year, and many expecting parents turn to these lists when it's time to pick a moniker for their new bundle of joy. Or in other cases, parents like to check these yearly lists so they can avoid choosing a name that is too popular or too common. Either way, checking out each year's most popular baby names is a fun way to spend a few minutes of your day.
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Popular names for 2020 are interesting though, because there are a slew of names that haven't made the top 10 for boys or girls at all in recent decades, that are suddenly popular. It's cool because it means that the inspiration for new parents is truly fresh and not the same old Emma and Liam that we've seen year after year.
Though beautiful those names have definitely had plenty of time in the spotlight, so it's nice to see trends shifting. Interestingly, a lot of the names that are expected to be popular for new babies in 2020 are decidedly old-fashioned. Names starting with the letter "A," celebrity-inspired names, and names that are shorter in length all seem to be on trend, too. Keep reading to find out what the top names for boys and girls are expected to be in 2020, based on information tracked by Nameberry.com and the Social Security Administration.
Girl: Adah

According to Nameberry.com, baby girl names that start and end with the letter "A" are on the rise, with Adah being No. 1. This name can also be spelled "Ada."
Girl: Reese

Thanks to movie powerhouse Reese Witherspoon, the name Reese is one of the most researched baby names on Nameberry.com.
Girl: Mika

It's been a busy year in the news, so we're not surprised that MSNBC journalist and talk show host Mika Brzezinski has apparently inspired some baby name admiration from expecting parents.
Girl: Paisley

The name Paisley just sounds pretty, so it makes sense that it is on the rise according to both Nameberry.com and the SSA.
Girl: Amina

Amina was the name of the mother of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, so whether its rise in popularity has religious significance or it's simply because it's a beautiful sounding name, it's expected to be huge in 2020.
Girl: Teagan

The name Teagan which has Irish roots and means fair or beautiful, as in "fair maiden," is expected to continue to grow in popularity throughout 2020.
Girl: Nova

The name Nova, which of course is the term used for a star that suddenly increases in brightness then fades, ticks the quirky name box while still sounding pretty and simple.
Girl: Aura

According to Nameberry.com, the name Aura is actually particularly popular among Spanish-speaking parents.
Girl: Pearl

Pearl is an old-fashioned name that is expected to make quite a comeback in 2020. It really does have classic appeal.
Girl: Billie

Singer Billie Eilish and her many hits of 2019 are credited with the resurgence in popularity of the name Billie for girls.
Girl: Meaghan

Though the Duchess of Sussex spells her name without that first "A," it's believed that Meghan Markle has boosted the popularity of the name Meaghan.
Girl: Isla

Isla is another short and sweet baby girl name that seems to be on the uptick popularity wise. It also has a bit of a regal ring to it.
Girl: Luna

A revival of astrological interest or perhaps just the character "Luna Girl" in the popular preschool cartoon PJ Masks may have something to do with the growing popularity of the name Luna.
Girl: Leia

Yes, as in Princess Leia. Star Wars just will not let up and names associated with the film franchise keep getting more and more popular. We have to admit, Leia is a really beautiful sounding name.
Girl: Ruth

Ruth is another classic girls' name that is once again becoming more and more common. We get it—it's simple, strong and will endure the test of time.
Boy: Austin

Austin is a boys' name that's been on the rise for some time and it's only expected to grow more popular among new parents in 2020.
Boy: Lucius

Lucius is a pretty darn cool sounding name and is probably getting so popular because everything superhero is trending these days. Lucius Fox is a character in DC Comics movies, shows, and books.
Boy: Alva

Another "A" name, Alva is an old-school name that is known as being the middle name of famous inventor Thomas Alva Edison who invented the incandescent light bulb.
Boy: Luca

Luca is the Italian translation of Luke and has been popular in Europe for a long time. It's popularity has spread to the US over the past several years, and according to Nameberry.com, that isn't going to change in 2020.
Boy: Acacius

Names with ancient roots that end in "us" seem to be experiencing a surge in popularity. Acacius is an interesting one though—it has the same root name as the plant acacia which is a thorn bush. Luckily, it's meaning is closer to "not evil" than thorny.
Boy: Tate

Finally: a break from the "A" names! Tate is a really strong, handsome name that is growing in popularity. Short and cheerful—in fact, that's what it means, "cheerful."
Boy: Diego

Diego has also been a popular name for some time and it's only expected to continue becoming more common in 2020. We love that it's a full-on Latino name taking holding in the US.
Boy: Easton

Easton is expected to be a popular boys' name in 2020. It sure sounds good, but the name doesn't have much significance. It literally means "east town" or "east-facing place." OK.
Boy: Cash

Johnny Cash, Cash Warren, cash money … there are plenty of reasons people could choose this name for their sons in 2020. It's among the top 10 names that are expected to be super-popular in the new year.
Boy: Ash

If you already have a son—or even a daughter of a certain age—you probably know the name from the ever-popular Pokemon games, TV shows, and movies. Regardless of its cartoon roots—it's a nice name.
Boy: Saint

It's hard to escape Kardashian mania, even when it comes to popular baby names. Saint is expected to be a top baby boy name in 2020, and we can't help but think of Saint West.
Boy: Kylo

Just like Leia for girls, Kylo—inspired by Kylo Ren of Star Wars—seems to be garnering tons of interest from parents looking for baby name inspiration for their 2020 new arrivals.
Boy: Kairo

Kairo is a cool sounding name, but it's even cooler when you find out that it means "victorious." Talk about speaking your child's future into existence.
Boy: Bode

Bode is one of those short, simple names that seem to be all the rage lately and according to statistics it's only going to get more and more popular in 2020.
Boy: Mateo

Though previously popular Latin girl names like Sofia and Isabela didn't make the predictions for 2020, Latino boy names are on the rise. Mateo is expected to become increasingly popular. Such a classic!