Joy Buckley from Corning, New York, gave birth to a baby girl weighing in at 15 lbs., 5 oz. and measuring 23.25 inches. Can you believe that?! That is one big baby! So big that she set the record as the biggest baby to be born at Arnot Ogden Medical Center, and she might even be the biggest baby born in the whole state–state records are being checked to see if that's the case.
More from MamásLatinas: The biggest babies ever born in the world
What makes this baby's birth an even bigger deal to her parents is that she was conceived against the odds. Joy and her husband Norman struggled with infertility for seven years and were told that they had less than a 15% chance of conceiving, which led them to adopt a little girl. This was back in 2016, and soon after adopting, Joy became pregnant. She later gave birth to an 11 lb. baby boy. The baby girl whom Joi just gave birth to, her second biological "miracle" baby, makes her the happy mother of three children.
Joy is absolutely overjoyed at being a mom of three.
After struggling with infertility for so many years, being able to conceive twice has been incredible. “The thing I’ve always wanted to do in my life is being a mom, and finding out the first time I was overjoyed, and the second time I was like, I’m going to be a mom to three kids now,” she said in an interview with a local news program. “It was something I’ve always wanted to do.”
Joy knew she was going to have a big baby, but she had no idea how big.
“I knew she was gonna be big, but I didn’t anticipate no 15-pound baby,” she told the New York Post. Are you wondering what it's like to give birth to such a large baby? "I felt like I was hit by two-tractor trailers," she said to reporters. Ouch!
The baby was delivered via C-section.
Harper was born on March 12 at 9:09 a.m. via C-section with the help of three doctors and a medical vacuum. Phew! The baby was then taken to the NICU to monitor her sugar and oxygen levels. She appears to be doing well and should get to go home soon.
This is what a 15 lb., 5 oz. baby looks like.
She is definitely not what you expect a newborn to look like. She's large and in charge. You know she'll be skipping the whole newborn diaper and clothing stage.
Look at all that hair!

She has a full head of hair! How adorable is that?! It's like she was born with a cute little pixie cut.
Congratulations to the Buckley family! We wish mama a smooth recovery and baby a healthy transition home.