Getting kids to enjoy learning is SO important! Without an element of fun, play or experimentation, children can quickly grow bored of learning certain concepts from phonics to counting and everything in between. But many enjoy projects and crafts that teach these concepts in unique, creative and most important organic ways. So whether you have a toddler you're introducing the alphabet to for the first time or a pre-teen who needs some help understanding earth science, at-home crafts can be an excellent tool.
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I, for one, love doing crafts so using DIY projects and simple crafts to teach my children from a very young age came naturally to me. But even if you're not the crafty type, many crafts geared toward children are very simple and straightforward. Plus, these days you can find a tutorial for just about anything you want to try online.
We've rounded up 40 of our favorite educational crafts for kids of various ages–complete with links to thorough instructions–that you can use to help you teach your kids lots of things on topics including reading, writing, math, science, geography and even music. Many are so simple you probably already have everything you need to complete them. Click through our gallery to see all 40 crafts.
Paper plates are a crafting staple and perfect for this geography project.

Though she's still a bit young for this craft, my toddler has had lots of questions about states and countries lately, and I'm thinking this cool "My Place in the World," paper plate craft would be a great way to teach her about where she lives within the world.
Get the full insturctions from In the Playroom.
Even young children can start learning about geography with this simple mountain craft.

You can start teaching your child geography concepts from an early age with this simple textured landscape craft. With just a few sheets of construction paper and a couple of other household items, your little one can build her own mountain landscape while learning about the earth, shapes and textures.
Get the full instructions from The Pinterested Parent.
You can't get more simple than this state map collage.

Your child can use paper and glue to create a really interesting and textural state map to help him learn all about terrain.
Get the full instructions from The Crafty Classroom.
Why make a macaroni necklace when you can make a macaroni world?

You can help your kids learn the continents with this super-cool pasta world map. Plus, they'll get to manipulate textures and colors for a complete sensory experience.
Get the full instructions from Parenting Chaos.
If you have a bit more time, this paper mache globe is amazing.

If your kids are older and you have a bit more time and patience, you could also help them create a paper mache globe to learn all about world geography.
Get the full instructions from The Crafty Classroom.
ABC lacing cards are simple and totally fun.

Lacing cards are great for fine motor skills and keeping little hands busy and you can actually make them yourself relatively easily. While the shapes you can create are endless, alphabet cards are perfect for also teaching letter recognition.
Get the full instructions from Live Craft Eat.
Let your child get creative with letter learning.

Most kids will jump at the chance to break the paints out and get a little messy. Use that to their advantage with this phone letter practice water color painting technique.
Get the full instructions from Mini Monets and Mommies.
Let your toddler help you make your own alphabet magnets for years of learning fun.

You can use duct tape and cardboard to make your very own alphabet magnets–a learning tool that will help your toddler master letter recognition all the way through kindergarten.
Get the full instructions from PBS.
A simple animal craft can help your child remember letters and their sounds.

When teaching toddlers the alphabet it's helpful to make an association with something familiar to them like with these adorable animal-themed letter crafts.
Get instructions for all 26 letters from Life As Mama.
Use Easter eggs to teach "word families."

With just a bag of plastic Easter eggs and a permanent marker you can help your early elementary schoolers understand the concept of word families and learn some sight words.
Get the full instructions from Playdough to Plato.
Use some collage art to help your child learn how to spell his name.

Print out or write your child's name on a piece of paper and let them collage over the letters as a way to help learn how to spell his own name.
Get the full instructions from Imagenes Educativas.
This DIY lookbook will help your kiddo learn about the four seasons.

With just paper bags and markers your child can create their own book to study the four seasons (or really any other topic), and get in lots of writing practice.
Get the full instructions from Creative Family Fun.
Crafts are a great way to get hands-on with science.

Older toddlers can get a jump start on learning scientific concepts through crafting like with this fun salt crystal ornament craft that teaches them how crystallization works.
Get the full instructions from Go Science Girls.
Older kids will also love creating crystals.

If your kids are a bit older and not likely to put everything in their mouths, you can engage them in a more complex crystal making project like these beautiful Borax crystal flowers
Get the full instructions from Go Science Girls.
Get into coding with this paper plate marble maze.

Building a paper plate marble maze can help older kids learn a bit about coding without ever turning on a tablet or a computer.
Get the full instructions from Buggy and Buddy.
Teach anatomy with a simple craft.

My first grader has been curious about the names of bones for a while now, and when I showed him this simple craft he was totally into it. You probably don't even need to buy anything special to do it.
Get the full instructions from Things To Do With Kids.
Use DIY props to help your child learn about the five senses.

These hilarious DIY spoons are an awesome and fun way to help your preschooler learn all about the five senses. Learning through play is always a good idea!
Teach your child about light sources and colors with a homemade spectroscope.

If you have a rainbow-obsessed kid, they'll be thrilled to learn the science behind how they are actually created using this homemade DIY spectroscope that they can help make.
Get the full instructions from Buggy and Buddy.
This fun foam popsicle craft is ideal for learning colors.

Cut out some foam popsicle tops and creating a cool matching game for toddlers and preschoolers. They can even help decorate the pieces.
Get the full instructions from Sight and Sound Reading.
Colors are a tough concept to master, but this DIY color wheel can help.

It takes a while for most toddlers to master the concept of colors. Make a a cute and fun color wheel matchng game for them to make the process a little more interactive.
Get the full instructions from The Soccer Mom Blog.
This rainbow craft is a pretty way to help kids memorize colors.

Give your child some colored squares to help your child learn colors by building a beautiful rainbow.
Get the full instructions from Live Well Play Together.
Get clean with this earth science craft.

Learning about the different layers of the earth is often one of the most intriguing lessons in science for children. Make it come to life with this fun DIY soap project inspired by our complex planet.
Get the full instructions from Steam Powered Family.
Use printables to help your child create a four seasons "spinner."

This adorable four seasons spinner will help your child learn the four seasons and their trademarks in a fun and engaging way.
Get the full instructions from 123 Homeschool 4 Me.
Make star constellations with a toilet paper roll!

You can use empty toilet paper rolls and black paper to help your child recreate and learn star constellations.
Get the full instructions from Bubba Blue and Me.
Fascinate your child with a DIY mobius strip.

Math can be totally overwhelming for more creative children, so crafts are an ideal way to help them understand and become more comfortable with complicated concepts like the mobius strip.
Get the full instructions from Schooling a Monkey.
Simplify fractions with this adorable flower craft.

Fractions can be an incredibly difficult concept for young children to master, so introducing it to them in a fun way like with this simple paper plate fraction flower craft can help them approach it with a positive attitude.
Get the full instructions from Teach Beside Me.
This toddler math craft can help children learn a number of concepts.

Toddlers and preschoolers can use this cute umbrella craft to practice number recognition and sorting, but it also works for Letter U practice and weather. Parents will have to cut out and assemble the umbrella shapes, but little ones can stick on the numbers and buttons.
Get the full instructions from Artsy Craftsy Mom.
Popsicle stick puzzles can be used for counting also.

Let your child design her very own popsicle stick puzzle and simply add numbers to encourage counting and number recognition.
Get the full instructions from Powerful Mothering.
Practice patterns with Fibonacci art.

Patterns are huge in math for early learners and Mondrian-style Fibonacci art is a great way to help kids understand them. Grab some graph paper and let you kids go at it.
Get the full instructions from Teach Beside Me.
Let your child learn shapes by building their own little house.

Young kids not only memorize shapes with this cute craft, they can also learn a bit about architecture and practice colors.
Get the full instructions from My Mommy Style.
This super-quick posicle stick craft can help your toddler learn shapes.

You can use popsicle sticks to make simple shape puzzles for your toddler and preschool. Just draw each half of the shape on a different stick and have your child match them up.
Get the full instructions at Hands On As We Grow.
This shape craft is also builds scissor skills.

This cut-and-paste animal crafts is a great way to teach kids about shapes, but it also builds scissor skills and can help them learn animal names.
Get the full instructions from Crafty Bee Creations.
Make learning shapes fun with these bubble wands.

Your toddler or preschooler will have lots of fun learning shapes with these DIY bubble wands. You can use pipe cleaners to make any shapes your child needs some extra practice with.
Get the full instructions from Nurture Store.
Master counting with a colorful DIY abacus.

With just a few simple materials you and your toddler can create a DIY abacus for endless counting, adding and subtracting practice.
Get the full instructions from 123 Homeschool 4 Me.
An adorable octupus can help toddlers learn to count.

Toddlers will love adding beads to this cute felt octopus cut-out and then learning how to count with them.
DIY instruments are a great way to help children understand musical concepts.

In just a few minutes, your child can make her own DIY harmonica using regular household items inlcuding popsicle sticks and rubberbands.
Get the full instructions from Housing a Forest.
You can use paper plates to make string instruments.

If you have a little one who is interested in learning to play a string instrument, help them get started with this DIY banjo they can decorate themself.
Get the full instructions from Things To Do With Kids.
This tiny matchbox guitar is a fun option too.

Older kids can make their own portable mini guitars out of a matchbox, some glue and rubberbands, so they can practice playing tunes any time.
Get the full instructions from Martha Stewart.
Egg shakers are a perfect music craft for toddlers.

There's no need to buy pricey egg shakers for toddlers, it's so simple to make them yourself. You can even get your toddler involved in the crafting.
Get the full instructions from PBS.
Crafts inspired by favorite books are always winners.

There's no denying that children's books are some of our most valuable educational resources, and their themes provide awesome inspiration for extending the learning after the story is over like with this "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" alphabet craft.
Get the full instructions from I Heart Crafty Things.
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