What you name your child is completely and totally up to you, but where to start can be daunting for a lot of parents. The inspiration can be found from just about anywhere, you just have to be open to the endless possibilities. One great place to begin in your search is to let yourself be inspired by the things you love.
For example, if you are a lover of the Spanish language, why not spend some time considering words in Spanish as possible names for your child? You'd be surprised how regular words can be transformed into the most beautiful and unusual names for a baby. Names can be meaningful but they can also be fun and fresh, and that totally depends on the child's mom and dad's personal taste. Whether you want to give your son a serious name or a trendy one, the Spanish language has plenty of potential ideas and words to offer.
More from MamásLatinas: 40 Beautiful baby girl names inspired by Spanish words
Spanish has a wealth of words that can work as baby boy names. With a language as rich and beautiful as Spanish, there are quite a large number of options for names. Some words can turn into totally quirky and eccentric names while others have become common names for baby boys born to Spanish-speaking parents. Celebrities get away with naming their children after fruits, cities, and colors, so why not be inspired by words we use on a regular basis? Besides, who wants to give their child a moniker that has already been overused around the world?
You can opt for timeless names like Segundo and Salvador, or go for something more modern like Lobo and Chico. You, as the parent, have the right to choose something that suits your style and that you think your son will absolutely love in the future. Click through to see the choices we've compiled for you and you're sure to find some great contenders.
Agosto, which translates to August.

August is a good month and a name. If you have a child during the month of August, this is a great name to consider. According to Baby Name Wizard, the name means great, moral, or wise. It can also mean deserving of respect. Who doesn't want their baby to be respected throughout their entire life?
Amado, which translates to loved.

This would be a beautiful way to reinforce how much you love your child. It would also be a beautiful name for a little girl in the form of Amada. If you are a sucker for romance, then you won't need to be convinced of the beauty of this name.
Angel, which translates to angel.

There will be times when your little angel acts like a little devil, but let's not talk about that now. It is worth mentioning that this name works whether you pronounce it in English or in Spanish and the spelling is the same in both languages.
Bienvenido, which translates to welcome.

What a sweet name to give a baby boy you've been waiting for. It's a lifelong reminder to your child that he was wanted and welcome from the beginning. It's also a kind of wish that you are making for him. As in, may they always be welcome no matter where they find themselves.
Blanco. which translates to white.

Perhaps you're a fan of the color or you just like the sound of the name. It also brings to mind the idea that a child is born as a blank slate and that you look forward to seeing how they color that canvas.
Bonito, which translates to beautiful.

For your very beautiful baby boy who will always be pretty in your eyes. For the child who comes into the world and instantly makes it more beautiful. For the child who will never forget that when you look at him, what you are looking at is a thing of beauty.
Buenaventura, which translates to good adventure.

A name that is a wish for a life full of good fortune and beautiful adventures. When you wish someone a buenaventura, you are wishing them good fortune. What is life if not an adventure? Every parent wants their child's life to be a beautiful and fortunate adventure.
Candelario, which translates to candles.

Candelaria is a type of herb and if you are a lover of horticulture, that might be a great reason to name your child Candelario. Candelario is also a reference to the Catholic feast of Candlemas and if you are Catholic, that might be what makes the name resonate with you.
Chico, which translates to small.

Tu chico siempre. Your child will always be your child no matter how big or old they get. You will always think of think of them as the chico that you first held in your arms when they were too small to do anything for themselves.
Cinco, which translates to five.

If you end up having a larger than average family, Cinco would be the perfect choice for your fifth born. You could also choose Cinco because the number signifies something special to you or because your child was born in May, the fifth month of the year.
Colorado, which translates to red.

There is also the state in the US that is named Colorado. Believe it or not, this name is used for both boys and girls. Why choose it? You might be fond of it if you live in Colorado or if the color red is of importance and significance in your life.
Cordero, which translates to lamb.

Perfect name for your sweet little lamb. The name can also have a religious significance. It could be a reference to your child being a lamb of God. But you don't have to be religious to hear the beauty of the name when it is spoken out loud.
Cruz, which translates to cross.

There are some religious connotations going on here, which are rather obvious. Cruz is also a last name. If your last name was originally Cruz and you are not passing that last name on to your child, Cruz as a first name would be a beautiful tribute to your family.
Domingo, which translates to Sunday.

Domingo works whether you child is born on a Sunday or not. The name is actually derived from the name Dominicus, which means a lord or master. You know your baby is going to be the lord and master of your heart, so it's a good fit.
Fresco, which translates to fresh.

Nothing wrong with being a little fresco now and again. Sure, Fresco means fresh, but it also has an air of sauciness and playfulness. When you think of someone as being fresh, you think of them as someone who takes chances and crosses lines in a playful way.
Incendio, which translates to fire.

This name is . It's literally the word for fire. As a name it has some gravity to it, like "don't mess with fire." Someone with a name like Incendio isn't someone you are going to take for granted or at least that's the hope.
Inocente, which translates to innocent.

Babies are born innocent. As a baby grows, that innocence is replaced with knowledge and experience. As a parent, however, you hope that your child always retains a bit of their child-like innocence and wonder so they can approach the world with excitement and curiosity.
Junipero, which translates to small bush or berries.

Inspired by nature and the juniper bush, which is an evergreen shrub with berries on it. In California, the name is known because of the Spanish Franciscan friar and priest Junipero Serra. He established many missions in California during the 1700s.
Lago, which translates to lake.

A name with depth and mystery. If you live by a lake or have a connection to a particular lake, this name might be perfect for your little boy. Lakes are a really important resource. They don't often get the credit they deserve because most don't understand the role they play in nature.
Leon, which translates to lion.

This brings to mind things that a lion symbolizes like strength and fierceness. A child who is born under the astrological sign of Leo would be the perfect candidate for the name Leon. Leos are known for their stability, loyalty, and constant nature.
Lobo, which translates to wolf.

A great animal to name your child after as lobos are associated with instinct, intuition and intelligence. Wolves are amazing in many ways. For example, they develop such a strong bond with their pack that they sometimes sacrifice themselves if it's for the good of the pack.
Madrid, which translates to Madrid as in the city in Spain.

Just one of the many city names that would make for a great baby name. Madrid happens to be the capital of Spain. If you have a connection to Madrid, the name could be a way of honoring that connection.
Monte, which translates to hill or mountain.

Why not be inspired by the landscape? Mountains and hills are do so much more than just look majestic. They are a very important part of the environment. Animals graze on them, freshwater flows down from them, and so many plants thrive on them.
Mundo, which translates to world.

Or be inspired by the whole planet. If you could give your child the world, wouldn't you? The thing is that the world will belong to your child because it belongs to all of us. Mundo is a name that honors this beautiful world that we are tasked with caring for.
Nevada, which translates to snowfall.

Some people will think you were inspired by the state, but you can tell them it was the weather you were thinking of. Or, perhaps it is the state that inspires you and that it means snowfall is just an added bonus.
Oro, which translates to gold.

For your tesoro. Sometimes we forget or we don't really and truly understand that our true treasures in life have nothing to do with gold, money, or jewels. The only true treasures we have in life are each other and if we are blessed to become parents our greatest treasures are our children.
Prospero, which translates to prosperous.

A name that is as abundant as your love. What is prosperity and how do you define it? How do you raise a child to embrace the concept of prosperity in all things? You encourage them to believe that prosperity is their birthright because it is everyone's birthright.
Reyes, which translates to kings.

May your child grow up to be a king among kings. This name first came about as a reference to Los Reyes Magos, the Magi. If you are someone who celebrates their feast day on January 6 and happen to have a baby on that day, this name could not be more perfect.
Rico, which translates to rich.

A reminder that you don't need money to be rich. Richness is not dependent on how financial wealth. A person who is truly rich is rich in love, health, and blessings of all kinds. Raise your child to know that he is rich regardless of what his bank account says.
Rio, which translates to river.

Another beautiful tribute to nature. It's also one of those gender neutral names that work regardless of whether you are naming a boy or a girl. In English, River is also a beautiful name. There is something soothing about the name in either language.
Rosario, which translates to rosary.

This is a name that is given to both boys and girls. It is usually a name given to children in honor of the Virgin Mary because she is also known as Our Lady of the Rosary. Children born in October and particularly on October 7, are sometimes named Rosario because the whole month is dedicated to the rosary and October 7 is the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Sabio, which translates to wise.

Sabio means wise and although we don't normally think of babies as being wise, trust that your child's intelligence will make him worthy of the name. Your child will grow into the name and hopefully be inspired to always trust their ability to learn and use their wisdom for good.
Sagrado, which translates to sacred.

This name is heavy with religiosity, spirituality, and commitment. It might appeal to you if you are a religious person. Or, if you are not, it could appeal to you because of the sacred bond between a parent and a child.
Salvador, which translates to savior.

It's an appropriate name for any baby boy as in reality, children are our future and our salvation. The name originated as a reference to Jesus Christ. Did you know that the nicknames for Salvador are Chava, Chavo, and Sal.
Santos, which translates to saints.

You could also go with Santos. Santos is a name that is used for both boys and girls although it is more common for boys. It's a popular name in countries where Spanish or Portuguese are spoken.
Segundo, which translates to second.

Originally it was used to refer to the second born, but it's also just a nice sounding name. Also, just because a child is second born or named Segundo that does not mean that they will ever come second in your heart. But if that's an issue for you, you could opt for Maximo as a middle name.
Tejano, translates to Texan.

For lovers of Texas or Tejano music. If you think it sounds strange to name your child after a state or place, think about names like Dakota, America, and Virginia. It's really not all that different from those names when you think about it.
Tierra, which translates to land, earth, or soil.

A solid name that is deeply connected to the earth and soil that we depend on. It's also a name that could work for a boy or a girl. If you are someone that feels a strong attraction to all things nature, this name is definitely one to consider.
Urbano, which translates to urban.

It has an air of worldliness and refers to someone or something being "of the city." It's not a very popular name now, but around the 1930s, it wasn't uncommon. There have been popes that had the name and also an Italian Prime Minister. The feminine version of this name is Urbana.
Zafiro, which translates to sapphire.

A precious name for your jewel. This name is not common, which is a plus and it's beautiful. If you have a child in September, this would be a great option since the birthstone for September is … yup, you guessed it, sapphire!