You have to see Kylie Jenner’s $1,700 stroller for Stormi

It's been less than a week since Kylie Jenner announced that she gave birth to her daughter and, apparently, she's loving being a first-time parent. According to People, the new mom has not only been spending every second with her new baby but she's been spending a ton of money on her, too!

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"The baby is very cute with chubby cheeks," a source told People. "The baby sleeps a lot and so far Kylie feels everything is going well." And this baby is getting spoiled! It's one thing to splurge on your baby. It's another thing to spend thousands on a stroller. But I guess it's no big deal when you got money like that.

The stroller is, of course, pink.

It comes complete with a carry cot, car seat, and a memory foam mattress. How extra is that?

It also has wings.

Kylie would have her baby in a stroller decked out with gold wings. She totally would.

We already know that Stormi has a closet decked with fancy baby clothes.


We saw it in the video she shared to Instagram.

Kylie seems happier than ever with her little one.

We can’t wait for her to share more pics!