Parenting in this day and age means that you have to stay up to date on how your kids communicate. They text, they instant message, they use social media, they're all over the place. You can keep an eye on their behavior online, you can tell them you'll check their texts on occasion, but if you don't understand what the heck all their text acronyms, slang or emojis mean, then you may as well be reading gibberish.
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Let's face it: Our kids are living in a totally different day and age today, and they're probably more savvy in many ways than we were at their age. Technology is just part of it, but it reaches into every part of their lives. As parents, we also have so much more to think about: How old do kids have to be when they get phones? How much screen time can we allow the little ones? Heck, my kids know how to use my phone and tablet better than I do. And that's fine, but there are also dangers.
How can you tell if what they are communicating is inappropriate to the point of being more sexting than texting? Well, we've put together a list of 47 codes that kids use to throw their parents off their sexting trail. Click and learn.
4EAE means: Forever and ever.

Not necessarily a bad thing, but good to know so you can understand what is being communicated.
143 means: I love you.

Again, might not be something to worry about, but you should know in case it's being used to hide the nature of a relationship.
ADR means: Address.

A quick internet search might lead you to believe that ADR stands for "all due respect," but consider the context because in sexting it could be used as a way to ask for an address.
AF means: As f@*k.

It can be used in all sorts of way like, "My parents are boring AF!"
AFK means: Away from keyboard.

Pretty self-explanatory once you know what the letters stand for.
ASL means: Age/sex/location.

Eww, your creep alert has got to go up if you see this kind of message being sent to your child.
CD9 or Code 9 means: Parents are around.

It's a good way to warn whoever is being messaged that parents are hovering.
CTN means: Can't talk now.

Again, this is another one that doesn't have to raise concerns. It could simply be used to let a person know you can't interact with them at the moment.
F2F or FTF means: Face to face.

You can use this to let someone know that you want to see them face to face.
FWB means: Friends with benefits.

Referring to a friend you fool around with sexually.
FYEO means: For your eyes only.

When you don't want whatever is being sent to be shown to anyone else.
GYPO means: Get your pants off.

Can't really think of a non-naughty reason to tell someone to take their pants off, can you?
ILY or ILU: Means I love you.

Not a bad thing if your kid is texting it to you, not a good thing if your kid is texting it to a stranger.
IU2U means: It's up to you.

Lots of uses for this one. You can impress and maybe frighten your kid, when they text to ask you what's for dinner by answering with IU2U.
IWSN means: I want sex now.

Yeah, that's pretty much a call to action.
IYKWIM means: If you know what I mean.

Can't really blame your kids for shortening this one. Ain't nobody got time to write the whole thing.
KFY: Kiss for you.

Let it go if they are sending this to abuela, but you might have to let abuela know what it means.
KOTL means: Kiss on the lips.

Totally your call on how to react to this one.
KPC means: Keeping parents clueless.

Aw, hell no!
LIT, TURNT, or TURNT UP means: Something that's off the hook or...

It can also be used to refer to being drunk or stoned.
LMIRL means: Let's meet in real life.

Big clue that this is someone your child has never met in person. Be careful.
MIRL means: Meet in real life.

Same as the last one. Someone wants to meet in real life as opposed to just exchanging messages.
MOS means: Mother over shoulder.

For those times when you think you're being all slick, but your kid knows you're just trying to read what they're writing.
NAGI means: Not a good idea.

That's another one you might want to use yourself when communicating with your own child 'cause so many things they want to do are NAGI.
Netflix and chill: Put on Netflix and have sex.

Chill is code for sex. The watching Netflix part is totally optional.
NIFOC means: Nude in front of the computer.

Yeah, I don't know how many parents would be cool with their kid letting anyone know that they are hanging out nude in front of the computer.
P911 means: Parent alert.

Parent is in the vicinity so keep everything above board.
PAL means: Parents are listening.

Here you are thinking PAL is just another way of calling someone a friend when really it's being used as a warning.
P999 means: Parent alert.

Heads up not to send anything a parent might not approve of.
99 means: Parents are gone.

In other words, "the coast is clear."
PAW means: Parents are watching.

So many codes to alert each other about parents. Sheesh.
PIR means: Parent in room.

Parent here, parent there, parent in the dang room.
POS means: Parents over shoulder.

Censor, censor! Only write what's OK for a parent to read.
PTB means: Please text back.

Aww, your kid is minding their manners and saying "please."
RL means: Real life.

Real life happens in person, not online, not on the phone. Another variation is IRL.
RU/18 means: Are you over 18?

Why is someone asking your kid if they are over 18?
SNATCHED means: On point.

Seems like it's bad, but it's a compliment.
SOS means: Someone over shoulder.

Alert that there are other eyes around.
SYS means: See you soon.

Nothing to worry about when exchanged between long-time friends, but troubling if a clandestine meeting is being set up.
TDTM means: Talk dirty to me.

You probably don't need this one explained to you.
WTPA means: Where the party at?

Not too hard to figure out why someone would want this information. You can't get to the party if you don't know where it's at.
WTTP means: Want to trade pictures?

Seriously, why does parenting have to be so hard?
WYRN means: What's your real name?

As opposed to a user name. It might not be such a great idea for your child to be giving out their real name to strangers.
GNOC means: Get naked on camera.

No, no, no!
Eggplant emoji: Used to symbolize a penis.

And here you thought your kid might be craving an eggplant. No such luck.
Peach emoji: Used to refer to the butt.

It's pretty easy to see why this is used as the symbol for pompis.
Sweat emoji: Used to symbolize ejaculating.

There are no words.