A 3-year-old toddler named Daleyza Avila-Hernandez passed away recently after a routine dental procedure. The toddler was having two teeth extracted and getting caps at the Children's Dental Surgery Center in California. Little Daleyza suffered a health issue during the sedation process. Her family has spoken out and she has a message for all parents out there.
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This is seriously every parent's worst nightmare. Daleyza's mom Araceli was not allowed into the room due to sanitary issues, but waited for her outside. She suddenly saw the ambulance, but didn't think it was for her own daughter. Later, she received confirmation that something went wrong, but they managed to stabilize her.
Daleyza was sent to a local hospital, where she was later pronounced dead. Araceli explained what exactly happened on the day she brought her daughter for the procedure. She told Fox News:
My daughter was very healthy. All I did was I take my daughter to the dentist because they were going to fix her teeth, and about 30 minutes later they brought her back dead.
A nurse confirmed to the parents that the child's heart stopped due to "underlying heart issues." The Hernandez family claim that their daughter was totally healthy. Daleyza was placed under general anesthesia for the procedure, which comes with its own risk factors.
According to Slate, fewer than 1 in every 2 million children under the age of 14 dies during surgery due to issues with anesthesia. It's extremely rare what happened to Daleyza, but her mother hopes that getting the story out will help other families make better decisions. "I hope what has happened to me doesn't happen to another mother," she said.
The family has launched a Go Fund Me for Daleyza's funeral expenses, which have already surpassed their $7,000 goal.
Image via Kay Recede Fox/Twitter