Being famous doesn't seem to exempt some celebs from the absolute worst heartache, the one caused by our children. Pepe Aguilar's son was arrested earlier this year for human trafficking and Eduardo Yañez's son made the worst statements about his dad you could ever imagine. But these two celebs aren't the only ones.
More from MamásLatinas: 12 Latinos celebs who have endured terrible family tragedies
Check out some of the Latino celebrities that have suffered immensely at the hands of their problematic, complicated kids.
Pepe Aguilar's son is dealing with charges of human trafficking.

The situation is very serious. In June, Emiliano Aguilar accepted a plea deal. But even with that, he could spend the next 10 years in prison.
Eduardo Yañez had the worst Father's Day ever this year.

"Funny how in telenovelas my dad always plays the hero, but in real life it's completely the opposite, drug addict, racist, abuses women," wrote his son Eduardo Yañez García.
In an interview with El Gordo y la Flaca Yañez admitted he and his son weren't close and limited himself to saying that he will always be there for him.
Eric del Castillo hasn't had it easy with daughter Kate.

Her first marriage ended badly. The Ingobernable actress has accused first husband soccer player Luis García of domestic violence.
Her second marriage to Aaron Díaz failed because of their work schedules, as both have said. But here's the worst offense: the El Chapo scandal. Now, Erik del Castillo must be more worried than ever. Kate asked the Organization of American States to investigate Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto and the drama has quieted down, but it continues to haunt her.
Maribel Guardia recently became a young grandmother.

Julián Figueroa, Maribel's son with Joan Sebastian, became a dad in May, at 22 years old. He has already been in rehab and given her enough worries to last a lifetime.
Bárbara Mori and Sergio Mayer have bailed out their kid several times.

At 19, Sergio Mayer Mori has already been in rehab and recently became a dad on November 21, 2016 with a woman 10 years his senior. His daughter, Mila, seemed to have made the teen settle down at first, but now the drama with her mom, Natalia Subtil, rages on.
Cristian Castro has given his mom, Veronica Castro, some big headaches.

Mom and son spent three years without talking to each other when he was married to his second wife, Valeria Liberman. In May, Cristian married third wife Carol Urbán without Verónica Castro even knowing about it.
The actress explained that she thought the invitation was a joke, since she had never met the bride. But barely a month after the wedding, Cristian announced their separation and the divorce process is in full swing. Oh boy!
Pedro Fernández's eldest daughter gave him his greatest worry.

Osmara also gave him the greatest gift: A grandson. After getting pregnant while being single, she married her baby daddy, but it didn't last long and the whole family was embattled in a bitter custody fight.
Pele, for many the greatest soccer player of all time, had to say goodbye to his kid.

Ex soccer player Edinho, one of Pele's seven children, is serving a 33-year prison sentence after being found guilty of money laudering on June 1, 2014.
Legendary Mexican actor Andrés García says he has been abandoned by his kids.

The telenovela icon fell ill last year, and according to his own words, he is practically paralyzed. The 76-year-old Andrés has said his three children left him to his own devices, but that's only the last one of his many complaints.