Whether this is your first, fourth or you're not there yet, you know that things change when you get pregnant. The gaining weight and body mass, the hormones, the food cravings are common. But what if something strange happens? To be better prepared, here are some of the weirdest things to have ever happened during pregnancy.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 14 Things you didn't know were bad for you while pregnant
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You Can Have Intense Sleep Orgasms

A woman reported waking up completely soaked (as in lubricated!) and realizing that her nighttime Big O did NOT come at the courtesy of her hubby. But um, maybe that's not really a complaint?

The hair on your head might ger thinner and the hair on the rest of your body may thicken… All because of natural hormone changes during pregnancy. Sometimes, women grow hair in places we wouldn't expect, like our faces, chests and abdomen. But have no fear! It all typically clears up 6 months after giving birth.
You Get Vampire Breath

And by that we mean…The absolute WORST breath you've ever had in your entire life. It's all due to the hormones in your mouth, which can cause bacteria to become overgrown. You can even experience bleeding.
You Observe a Creepy Alien Baby Belly

It's a big joke online, but when your baby moves inside of your belly sometimes you can get the dreaded Alien Belly. With tons of videos to laugh at online, it's not exactly unusual – even if it does make you feel all kinds of creepy.
You Start to Snore Like a Monster

Horribly loud snoring isn't unusual, but it's not always the ladies' side of the bed. During pregnancy, however, your snoring might make you sound like a monster and your hubby may get frustrated. Try saline spray, popping yourself up or get a body pillow to avoid it.
Your Hands Go Numb

You might be a little familiar with this symptom if you've ever suffered carpal tunnel before, but numbness can happen in your hands and arms during pregnancy. Even less surprising, sadly, is that your fingers will swell. That's right, that wedding ring is staying ON!
You Develop Varicose Veins... Down There

In a shocking twist to those of us who are very familiar with varicose veins on our legs, a mom revealed that she had it in a more – AHEM – private area. "I developed a varicose vein in my hoo-hoo and could barely sit down to pee," she revealed to The Stir.
You Can Faint Like a Renaissance Lady

It might seem kind of cute at first, but there's nothing funny about being the kind of damsel in distress that actually faints during her pregnancy. A mom told The Stir: "I would faint and have seizures. They said my daughter would lay on my main artery and that would happen."