This list of things we want to teach our children is interminable. And really we can't teach them everything, but we can at least cover the very basic items on this list because they are CRUCIAL.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 Things only moms understand
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Basic manners

Basic manners like saying "please" and "thank you" will serve your child for a lifetime. They cost nothing to practice, but they act as social currency as you move through interactions with others.

Not everyone has to be a master chef, but everyone should be able to cook and feed themselves.
How to grocery shop

Anyone can walk into a grocery store and buy something, but it's a good idea to teach children how to shop wisely. Have them help you pick out fruits and vegetables so they know how to do it later and teach them to read nutrition labels so they know that not everything that is labeled "healthy" is actually good for you.
How to clean

A pampered child who doesn't know how to clean up after themselves turns into an adult that no one wants to live with so teach children how to clean up after themselves at the very least.

Someday they may invent laundry that cleans, folds and puts itself away, but until then it's a skill we should all have.
How to dance

Dancing with a partner is in danger of becoming a lost art. Teach your children how to lead or follow so that when they go to a party where there is dancing they can get up and DANCE!
How to write a check

In an era of debit cards and electronic payments, check writing is not necessarily something that will come easily to our children. It's not hard, but sit down and go over how to properly write a check, date it, sign it and all that good stuff because bills are going away no time soon.
Balancing a checkbook

Knowing how to balance your checking account is so important, whether you do it on paper the old fashioned way or by using a computer program. It's not enough to rely on your bank's records because sometimes you've written a check or paid a bill that hasn't been recorded by your bank yet and you can't keep all of that information in your head without making a mistake at some point.
The importance of eye contact

Who do you think is going to get the job, the candidate that confidently looks into the eyes of the interviewer or the one who looks around nervously and never makes eye contact? 'Nuff said.
Safe sex

I know qué vergüenza, right? Well, suck it up and talk about safe sex with your kids anyway because even in this day and age there is so much misinformation out there. Let them know that using "birth control" is not the same as having safe sex. They need to protect themselves against diseases, not just avoid procreation.