Babies' brains are able to master two languages quickly. By the age of 7 months, infants are able to tell two languages apart, according to Live Science, which means the earlier you start training them to think bilingual, the better. Here are ten Spanish words to start practicing with your baby.
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My 5-month-old son knows exactly when it's feeding time. He may end up saying "leche" as his first word instead of "mami"!

Let's face it–it's easy to smother your baby with kisses. Make beso time part of your routine and one day they may ask for one in Spanish!

Whether you say chupete, tete, bobo or a different word for pacifier, start getting them to idenitfy this prized possession in Spanish. One say they'll ask it by name!

If your baby is like my son, they love bathtime! It's a great time of the day to teach them a new word. The more they hear it, the more likely they are to remember it.

No matter if it's mamá, mami or má, it'll be pretty sweet the day they say "mom" in Spanish.

You better believe your baby's grandmother is probably already whispering "abuela" in their ear if they're Latina. There's also that hope that it'll be their first word!

If you're a parent to an infant, you know caca or poo poo time happens often. It's a messy job, but it'll sound better if they warn you about it in Spanish.

The same goes for their pipí time. A loaded pee-filled diaper is waiting to be changed as I type. Better get to it!

Naptime may not be their favorite, but saying "sueño" could help soothe them to sleep. One can only dream.

Babies love to giggle and play! They'll pick up on the word "jugar" way before you'll need to give them time-outs.

It's never too early to start teaching our children gratitude. It's hopefully a word they'll never forget.