Parents want to be informed about their kids' safety. Hence, I share with you the sports most likely to "send children ages 5 to 14 to the emergency room" according to Consumer Product Safety Commission National Electronic Injury Surveillance System data as analyzed by NerdWallet.
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That football can cause injuries comes as no surprise to anyone, I'm sure. Risks include head injuries, knee and ankle ligament injuries, and shoulder dislocations.

Before you ban your child from ever riding a bike, know that even though kids do end up getting hurt at times, there has been a steady drop in reported injuries over the years. Just make sure your kids wear helmets. Wrists and knee protection also help lower chances of injuries.

Basketball doesn't seem particularly dangerous, but beware of ankle sprains, fractures and ACL tears in the knees.

Baseball and softball are very popular among young kids. The injuries associated with them are repetitive arm stess and overuse. Watch out for arm pain in your kids.

As soccer gets more popular in the U.S., it makes sense that injuries rise. Watch out for ankle sprains and ACL injuries in all players. Goalies may experience shoulder and finger injuries.

Learn CPR because you never know. Teach your children how to swim, make sure all children know water safety rules and always have a someone looking out.

Trampolines are fun and kids love them, but be very careful because they can cause spinal injuries. Manufacturers advise that there really should only be one person on it at a time.

This includes ice skating and roller skating. Skating injuries are down because less people are doing it, but not enough to keep skating off the list of sports that send most kids to the hospital. Watch out for wrist, elbow and ankle injuries.

Make sure your kids rock a helmet, wrist, knee and elbow pads to decrease their chances of injury.

Hockey is rough, especially when full body defensive blocks AKA "checks" are allowed at around 11 to 12 years old. *¡Cuidado!*