You've made it to the tail-end of your third trimester. It feels like you've been pregnant forever and you're anxiously ready to meet your newborn. The only issue is that your water won't break! As a preggo myself, I'm mentally and physically preparing for ways to speed up the labor process. These all natural tips are guaranteed to make that water break in a breeze!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 Things you never knew were GREAT for you during pregnancy
Image via Corbis

The painless tiny needles could help induce labor naturally. A study at the University of North Carolina found that 70% of women who received acupuncture during pregnancy went into labor on their own.

Movement and gravity will help position your baby into place and (hopefully) start the labor process. A 30 minute walk once a day is recommended, but make sure you consult with your doctor.
Getting it on

Being intimate with your partner is an excellent way to get your water to break. This is due to the pelvic pressure caused during the act. The liquid once your man finishes also contains prostaglandins, which helps dilate the cervix.
Spicy foods

Spicy foods can be aggressive towards your bowels, which causes your uterus to contract. That's exactly what you want to speed up the labor process!

Pineapple is said to increase the body's production of prostaglandins, which is known for inducing labor.

Dancing is therapeutic and great exercise, but it can also help your water break. There is proof of this with a hilarious viral video of a woman dancing in the hospital to get her water to break…and it works!

This move isn't just good for your buns! It also puts pressure and weight on your cervix, which will help move your baby further into your birth canal.
Changing positions

You want to avoid being stagnant and laying down when trying to induce labor. Instead, make sure to change positions and move around. Getting on all fours could also help with getting your baby in the right position.
Oregano tea

Steeping the fresh herb is also a natural remedy for going into labor. The plant is known as a emmenagogues, which helps stimulate blood flow to the uterus.

Causing stimulation to your breasts releases a hormone called oxytocin. This is the same hormone that causes your body to have contractions.