Imagine rushing to the hospital while in labor and getting pulled over by a police officer! That's exactly what happened to a Seattle couple recently and it resulted in a crazy story to tell. Pregnancy comes with countless of unexpected surprises, but this mom really went through a surreal experience. Find out exactly what happened along with other bizarre birthing stories you'll never forget!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 Things you never knew were GREAT for you during pregnancy
Thanks to the dashcam in the police car, there's footage of the whole thing. Take a look!
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/embed/FVUyEfjzGnE
–Additional reporting by Milena Prinzi & Giselle Castro
Image via Corbis
Police baby deliver scene

In Seattle, cops pulled over a speeding car at about 3:00am only to discover that the woman in the vehicle was in labor! The woman gave birth to a baby girl in the car and was sent to a nearby hospital. Keep reading for 16 other crazy birthing stories.
In the toilet of moving train

Bhuri Kalbi gave birth prematurely in the toilet of a moving train in India and the baby flushed down to the tracks. The loving mother made the conductor stop the train and they rescued the newborn alive!
Birth on a Field Trip

A 12-year-old girl from Holland gave birth during a field trip. The child didn't know she was pregnant until she started having labor pains. According to local health services, teachers and policemen helped her deliver a healthy baby. Do you actually believe this is true?
Marathon baby

Amber Miller made headlines when she ran Chicago's marathon, finished the 26.2 mile race, grabbed a towel and went to the delivery room. She welcomed a baby girl named June minutes after completing the grueling race! That's a champ!
Gives birth to her Grandson

This was a famous case! Remember 61-year-old Kristine Casey? She became the surrogate mother of her daughter, Sara Connell, and gave birth to her own grandson. We were all touched by their story. They're kept it all in the family!
In the middle of the street

Polly McCourt became famous when she gave birth on a street corner in Manhattan's posh Upper East Side neighborhood. She crouched down on the corner after a selfish guy stole her taxi to go to the hospital.
Youngest grandma in history!

Romanian gypsy Rifca Stanescu became the world youngest grandmother at 23 years old when her 11-year-old daughter gave birth. She had her daughter when she was 12 and she hoped for a better future for her daughter.
Longest labor

Seventeen-year-old British Amy Buck gave birth after being 20 days in labor! Somehow she contracted an infection and the doctors gave her medication to delay the birth because it was too soon. She welcomed her son Daniel, who only weighted 1 lbs 3 oz. What a miracle!
At a wedding

In 2012, a woman gave birth to her baby just minutes after tying the knot! She made it through her wedding ceremony but went into labor while taking pictures outside the church.
In a train station

Washington D.C. mom Shavonnte Taylor was headed to an obstetrician appointment when she suddenly went into labor on the train station platform. She was lucky that there was a trained EMT present who helped deliver her adorable baby boy.
On an airplane

In 2012, passengers and crew members on a plane had to help deliver Katherine Oyedoh's baby after she unexpectedly went into labor in the middle of an international Delta flight.
Live on the web

In October 2011, Ottawa, Canada, mom Nancy Salgueiro gave birth live over the Internet, with more than 2,000 people registered to watch. Her 2-year-old son cut his new brother's umbilical cord.
In the Holland Tunnel

Twenty-five-year-old New Jersey mom Soukaina Nekhlaoui was on her way to the hospital when the baby decided it wanted to come out in the middle of the Holland Tunnel! A Port Authority Tunnel & Bridge officer with medical training assisted her and helped her give birth to a healthy baby boy.
17 Babies!

Catherine Bridges from Indianapolis broke the world's record when she delivered 17 identical boys from one pregnancy in the course of 29 hours. These are the names of the babies: James, Jacob, Jarod, Jarvis, Jason, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Jerome, Jesse, Jimmy, Joachim, Jonathan, Jonas, Joseph, Julian, Jimbo and Darth Porkinus. What do you think of that?
During a traffic jam

In 2012, a Boston mother went into premature labor while sitting in gridlocked Route 16 traffic. She had to call the state police for help!
In an art gallery

Last October, performance artist Marni Kotak said that giving birth is the higest form of art and delivered a baby inside a New York City art gallery. About 20 people were present for the delivery, which took place in a birthing pool.
In a 7 Eleven Parking lot

Just a couple of weeks before the company celebrated their annual Free Slurpee Day in 2012, Florida couple Chad and Tye Malley were forced to deliver their baby in a 7-Eleven parking lotafter they were unable to make it to the hospital on time!