Kim Kardashian’s diva pregnancy demands REVEALED!

One of the perks that comes with pregnancy is getting spoiled by your family and loved ones. If you're Kim Kardashian, extreme spoiling is a given. The reality television star is currently expecting her second child, a baby boy due in December. Word is that Kim has a long list of pregnancy demands and you won't believe what some of them are! It seems like this is Mrs. West's world and we are just living in it. 

Read more on ¿Qué más?: Kim Kardashian's 9 most controversial parenting moments

Image via Kim Kardashian/Instagram

She only flies private


The 34-year-old star travels often and she's not flying commercial. Kim reportedly only boards private jets "because she doesn't want anyone to judge her if she decides to sprawl out."

She needs a portable chair

Kim Kardashian/Instagram

While Kim is out at events or around town, she reportedly requests that her assistant always have a portable chair on hand. "Kim whines that she needs the chair just in case her feet are hurting," a source told Life & Style.

She's picky with her makeup artist

Kim Kardashian/Twitter

Kim admits she gets into spats with her makeup artist, Mario Dedivanovic. "We fight all day on set, but we love each other!" she tweeted. We'll blame it on the hormones.

Don't mess with her kicks


Kim loves rocking strappy sandals and high heels, but we all know swollen feet come with pregnancy. According to Radar Online, she has her assistant carry around sneakers at all times.

She has a private chef on deck


According to OK!, Kim always has a private chef at arm's reach. She has also been craving Krispy Kreme doughnuts and In-N-Out burgers.

She wants Twitter to do it her way


Kim has 34 million Twitter fans and has a suggestion for the social media platform to get better. "I just emailed Twitter to see if they can add an edit feature so that when u misspell something u don't have to delete & repost Let's see," she tweeted. The higher-ups listened.

She has a personal trainer


Word is that Kim doesn't want to gain as much weight as she did in her first pregnancy with North. She has a personal trainer to help keep the extra pounds in check.

Custom-made designer clothes


Kim isn't shopping at the local mall's maternity section. She reportedly only wears custom-made designer maternity outfits.

She hired a nutritionist


Kim admits that she has gained 20 pounds in her pregnancy so far. She's about 20 weeks and already made sure to hire a nutritionist to be careful about how much weight she gains.