A new year always brings a spate of new products to consider for your kids–from strollers to swim gear. Of course some of the products introduced are as simple as a new diaper bag color or different print introduced by your favorite bedding brand. But there are others that are truly innovative in design and functionaliy–products that will actually make your life easier on a daily basis.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 Must-have baby items for the winter
Here you'll find a collection of just such products, all being introduced in 2015. Time to make your wishlist!
Image via silikids.com
Doona Car Seat Stoller

My mind has been completely blown by this car seat! It actually has integrated wheels that flip down to convert the seat into a stroller without ever removing your baby. This unique contraption meets safety standards for both car seats and strollers and will quite literally change the way you travel or run errands or pretty much do anything that involves a car seat to stroller transition. And, it doesn't cost any more than any other mid-range stroller. Doona Car Seat Stroller, $350. Available now.
Babymoov Camera

The Babymoov camera is the perfect example of functional technology in parenting. It's the first emission-free baby monitor to enter the market, meaning your bay will not have any exposure to radio waves. The camera itself can be attached to any bed and has a 360 degree range. It can be synced up to a smartphone, tablet, or traditional baby monitor receiver and offers both video and two-way audio, and can sync to up to four devices at once. There's even a nigh light and both temperature and motion sensors. Amazing! Babymoov Camera, $200; available March 2015
Fisher Price 4-In-1 Nursing Pillow

It's not often you find a nursing pillow that offers anything unique–there have basically just been two styles to choose from. But this year, Fisher Price is bringing tons of new modernized products to the market, including this awesome looking 4-in-1 pillow that has a high side and a low side to switch to as your baby grows (something I would have loved). It can also be used as a tummy time wedge or seated support, with included toys and hanging toy bar. I'm sold! Fisher Price 4-in-1 Nursing Pillow, $40. Available now.
Frogglez Goggles

My son has a head full of unruly curls that I absolutely adore, but getting goggles over them has not been easy. And oh my gosh, do I remember the struggle from my own childhood. Well, Frogglez address the issue with soft, stretchy neoprene straps that wrap around both the top and back of the head, making them easy to slip on and quite secure. Frogglez Goggles, $24.95. Available now.
Love to Dream Swaddle

If your baby has started to gain some mobility, but still loves to be swaddled, this is the perfect swaddle blanket for you. It's a snug-fitting zip up blanket that has zip-off arm holes, so you can transition from full swaddle to one-arm swaddle and eventually to sleep sack. Sizes start around 13 pounds, so it won't work for newborns, but go all the way up to about 30 pounds, so it can even be used in lieu of a blanket when your tot is older. Love to Dream Swaddle Up 50/50, $34.95. Available now.
Puj PhillUp

How many times have you found yourself lifting up furniture and crawling under tables for a kid cup that rolled away? I for one, can't even keep count, so I love the idea of these Puj cups that come with adhesive hooks and loops to hang them from. No more lost cups! And as your kiddo gets older, they allow for easy access so she can serve herself. Puj PhillUp, Price TBD. Available late January 2015.
Skip Hop Rain Coat

Skip Hop's new rainwear line is expectedly adorable, and of course there's nothing all that interesting about a rain coat in and of itself, but the Skip Hop version has a little secret. Extra long sleeves. You know what that means? That you'll actually get more than one season out of one. Depending on what size you choose, you may even be able to use it for couple of years. Score! Skip Hop Raincoat, $34.99. Available now.
Siliskin Sippy Top

A set of these is going in my shopping cart right now. In two years we have gone through at least 10 sippy cups. I really like the ones we're currently using, but they take up so much space and as my son gets older it would be nice not to have to keep buying more when they inevitably get lost or too beat up to keep using. These sippy tops by Silikids, turn just about any cup in to a sippy, meaning you could use the same set for years with your regular old drinking glasses. Siliskin Sippy Top Set of 2, $9.95. Available now.
Milk Sense Breastmilk Monitor

This product is not for everyone. But for moms with legitimate and validated concerns about breast milk production and infant weight gain, it could be a sanity saver. It uses electomagnetic signals to measure how much milk is in each breast before and after a feeding. Though the monitor won't be available in the U.S. until later in 2015, it has been sold in Israel for some time and comes with a baby scale as well. Milk Sense Breastmilk Monitor, $200. Release TBD.
FunPod High Chair

The FunPod is an affordable high chair that grows with your kid, from ages 1 to 6. It can be used as either a high chair or booster seat with or without the tray and can later be converted to a platform that allows older tots to reach tables and other work surfaces. I support any baby product that you can use for five years. It's not yet available in the U.S., but keep an eye out later in 2015. FunPod High Chair, Approximately $200. Release date TBD.
Tiny Love Rocker Napper

Tiny Love's 3-in-1 rocker converts from an infant seat to a rocker, and now to an adorable bassinet-style napper. I loved the swing when my son was a baby, but eventually had to give it up for two reasons: he needed to learn to sleep flat and he was outgrowing the weight limit. This seat solves both issues, since it can be rocked in the flat bassinet position and has a 40 pound weight limit. It also has a cute mobile with music and a gentle vibrating mode for extra lulling power. Tiny Love 3-In-1 Rocker Napper, $80.99. Available now.
Oliver B Bladeless Fan

These super-fun penguin-shaped fans are ideal for their compact size, kid-friendly design and extra-safe bladeless operation. They can even plug into an iPod or iPhone to play music. Running a fan in the nursery can actually reduce the risk of SIDS by as much as 72 percent, so it's always a good idea for babies, but this fan is also a fun and safe way to keep toddlers and even older kids cool when the warm weather hits. Bonus: no blades, means it's easy to clean! Oliver B Bladeless Fan, Price TBD. Available later in 2015.