Dale Garcia is a dad from Okeechobee, Florida. Last Monday, he came home to find his two 12-year-old daughters fighting and he was so upset at one of them that he wanted to spank her, but I guess he was afraid of being accused of abuse or I don't know what because he called the police to have them come over and witness the corporal punishment. Yes, mi gente, this father called the police to have them watch him spank his daughter! What the funk?
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Have you ever heard of this? Apparently, it's not the first time this has ever happened either. According to Major Noel Stephen of the Orange County Sheriff's Office:
It happens and has happened several times in the past. But it's definitely not something we advertise to do. It's a call here and there … And even though law enforcement has been willing to help out in this situation, watching a parent discipline their child is something that's done only when a deputy has no other calls to handle.
I find the whole thing rather absurd. Why? Well, let's see … First of all, I don't believe in spanking as punishment, so there's that and I also don't believe in wasting police resources with B.S.
So in case you are wondering what led up to the spanking, the two daughters were fighting over a tablet and one ran into her room and locked the door and the other sister used a knife to pick the lock. It was the knife wielding, lock-picking daughter that the dad spanked.
I'm sorry, but I just don't think spanking a 12 year old with lock-picking skills is going to do any good. I'm sure she's been spanked before and clearly it isn't deterring her from misbehaving. I'm thinking some other kind of punishment might be better. I don't know, maybe Garcia thought that humiliating his almost teenager by spanking her in front of a cop was part of the punishment too.
Deputy Joseph Hall responded to Garcia's call and watched him spank the daughter four times on her pompis. When it was all done, Hall left because spanking isn't against the law and "no crime had been committed."
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