Breast milk is considered liquid gold and its countless benefits are undeniable. If moms have the supply, time and willingness to breastfeed their infants, there's nothing better than that. The longer the better … but how long is too long? For 45-year-old mom of triplets, Davina Wright, three years in not long at all. You heard right, she is still nurses her triplets because she likes the one-on-one attention they each get from mom. She is not ready to stop anytime soon and the toddlers love it.
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When she gave birth to her triplets in Hong Kong Wright knew breastfeeding was the only option. She nursed her little boy while her husband Jason bottle fed the girls with the breast milk she pumped. Davina did 30 to 40 feedings a day and she loved every second of it. As the babies got older and started drinking from cups, eating solids and becoming more active and engaged, they started asking for mom's breast less.
I don't know about you, but I think Davina is doing a disservice to her children. She says that her children are very social, active and that they behave like any other child, but I'm having a hard time believing that. They still demand breast milk at least twice a day. First thing when they wake up and last thing before they go to bed. I believe they are using the breast as a security blanket and they must be confused when mom denies the treat when they are outdoors. Davina would love to nurse her children in public, but she doesn't want to deal with the stares.
She says that her triplets often fight to have the first turn and to me that defies the whole purpose of "quality time". Since the children have their own rooms, she goes to each give them the breast for 15 to 20 minutes. She loves the bond between mom and child! I think the entire behavior has more to do with mom that with the children. She clearly can't let go and is using breast milk as an excuse. Hopefully her late-nursing-habits won't create emotional scars on her children especially on her boy.
Images via Désirée Fawn/Flickr, The Badass Breastfeeder