Seven teenage girls brought back souvenirs from their high school trip to their nation's capital–and it wasn't a key chain. The students, between the ages of 13 and 15, all came back pregnant after their five-day school trip to Bosnia's capital. I get one rebellious girl getting knocked up during a school trip, but seven?! Was the curriculum really that boring that they decided to take it laying down? Well, as you can imagine the parents are pretty pissed at the school and are fighting for answers.
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I don't blame the parents for being livid! What were the chaperones up to while these girls were running loose? The remaining 21 girls on the school trip managed not to get knocked up, so what went wrong? Probably hormones. They usually cloud perception and make teens do really stupid things. I doubt these teens are the first to have sex at a school trip, but they should have been smarter and used protection.
You give your kid the freedom to travel on a school trip and they don't even have the decency to use condoms? Instead of taking trips to the capital and visiting museums, these girls needed a serious review of sex education. Now their entire lives will be affected by this one "heat of the moment" decision. In these cases, it's so easy for everyone to point the finger, but I really feel like the school and parents failed these young girls.
That doesn't mean they aren't responsible, but these are teen girls. As much as they sound and want to act like adults, they're still developing and learning. The sex talk is never a comfortable one to have, but it's totally necessary. You want to trust that your kid is at least given the right tools to deal with these tempting situations. We all know the last thing this world needs is more knocked up teens.
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