You know what is never funny to a mother worthy of calling herself a mother? Joking about her kids getting hurt in a serious way. Most moms cringe at the mere thought of any child getting hurt. That's why it boggles my mind that Roman Atwood, a comedian and prankster, went out of his way to set up a prank that made his wife think he threw one of their children off a balcony. He basically made the mother think the child had fallen to his death and he videotaped the whole thing for shits and giggles. He named the video, "Killing My Own Kid PRANK!!" Yeah, it's a good thing he put "prank" in the video because it's hard to tell that this was meant to be funny.
When you see the video you will understand why the wife ended up kneeing Atwood in the groin … because it takes some kind of cojones to pull that kind of a "joke" on a mother.
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The way it goes down is that Atwood is at home with his two sons. The youngest is dressed in a Spider Man outfit and looks adorable. The mom comes home and finds the three playing on the second floor of the home. She says her hellos and then Atwood asks her for some water. When she goes to get him water, Atwood, who has prepped his kids on what to do, gets the two boys to hide and replaces the youngest boy with a dummy in an identical Spider Man costume. As soon as the mom comes back up, Atwood pretends to accidentally fling his kid over the balcony railing.
Well, of course, the mother takes off running and when she gets to what she thinks is her child's motionless body, she takes the Spider Man mask off and sees that it's a dummy. I don't know what Atwood was expecting, but what he got was a pissed off wife. He giggles and apologizes, but she's not having it. He tries to hug her and that's when she kicks him in the balls for good measure and tells him he's sleeping on the sofa. Honestly, I don't think she kicked him hard enough.
Check out what is being called the cruelest prank EVER!
*Image via Thinkstock*