Woman comes out of coma to give birth to miracle baby

On October 15, 36-year-old Jenny Quiles was crossing the street in St.Petersbug, Florida on her way to a doctor's appointment because she was 33 weeks pregnant. As she crossed the street she was hit by a tow truck. The accident put the expectant mom into a coma. On Wednesday she came out of the coma at Bayfront Medical Center. On Thursday she delivered a 6 pound baby girl via C-section. That child is a miracle and wait until you find out what she's been named. .

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The baby's name is Angel, not only because clearly she's a little angel, but also because that is her daddy's name. Proud daddy, Angel Quiles, has not left Jenny's side since the accident. He's set up a GoFundMeCampaign to help with the cost of Jenny's medical care.

Jenny Quiles

Jenny is still in a bad state but Angel Sr. is hopeful and says, "She's responding with her eyes, she doing gestures, she's moving her hands, her legs are moving. To see her moving, now I can breathe a little bit."

Poor guy, to have to go through one of the most difficult times of his life and one of the most beautiful times simultaneously is a lot.

This is the couple's first child and she wasn't due until December 1, but given the circumstances, doctors decided to deliver her early.

I wish this family much luck and support. May Jenny recover fully and as quickly as possible and I hope this terrible accident only serves to deepen the love in her life. I'm sure her baby girl is giving her the motivation to recover.

Image via Thinkstock, jennyquiles/GoGundMe