Are you pregnant? If you are then I urge you to pamper yourself like crazy. Especially if this is your first pregnancy. You deserve to pamper yourself while pregnant no matter what, but if this is your first pregnancy and you have no other children to take care of at the moment then you REALLY need to take advantage of these precious moments in your life. First pregnancy or not promise me you will treat yourself nice, okay? I've even got a great list of things I want you to do for yourself.
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I want you to click through this gallery and then go do these things. You don't have to indulge in them all immediately, but start sooner rather than later because you'll be surprised at how pregnancy seems to take forever and then one day you wake up and it's all over.
And if you aren't pregnant, but know someone who is, be a doll and share this post with them. Trust me, they need to be reminded to pamper themselves. All right, now get to clickin' through the pictures!
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Spend time with amigas

Please take time to spend time with your amigas. Their love and support is so important. Not to mention that pregnancy is a great time to bond with them because the first few months after the baby comes you are not going to have time to spend with them. They need to know that they matter to you. It's like you are building up friendship brownie points and it's also great for you because being with good friends is awesome.

If you are in a relationship, make sure you go on dates with your love. Again, now is the time to do it because once the baby comes it might be a while before you get a chance to go out as a couple and being a couple is what got you in this situation in the first place.
Prenatal yoga

I had such a hard time during my first pregnancy and going to prenatal yoga was so soothing for both my mind and body.
Prenatal massage

A prenatal massage can help ease your stress and muscle tension. Be sure that you find a massage therapist who is certified in prenatal massage.

If you are the kind of person that likes to see movies when they come out then go to the movie theater now while you can. I NEVER go to the movies anymore unless it's a movie made for kids.
Let someone clean for you

If you can afford to pay someone to clean your home, do it! It's money well spent. If not, when someone asks you what they can do for you say, "Clean my home." Don't feel bad about it, you're not being lazy. For heavens sake you are making another human being let someone clean your home for you.
Take a pre-baby vacation

Traveling with a baby is not so much fun, so take a little pre-baby vacation. You can do it with your significant other or just treat yourself to a little vacay.

The time will come when your belly is so big you may not be able to see your feet, but I assure you they are still there. Go get a pedicure, it will feel like heaven.
Invest in flip flops

Your feet will grow, your feet will swell, your feet won't fit in regular shoes. Get some adorable flip flops and stick your puffy tamal looking pedicured (see previous slide) feet in them. And don't you dare feel self-conscious if they are swollen, it's just a part of being pregnant.
Take lots of pictures

You may not believe me because your eyes and hormones are playing tricks on you BUT you are absolutely stunning right now. Your hair is amazing, your skin is glowing, your breasts are like WOW and your growing belly is beautiful. Take picture, lots of pictures of yourself while pregnant. Even if you can't appreciate how unbelievably gorgeous you are right now, in the future you will look at these pictures and realize that everything I'm saying is true.