Do you ever ignore your kids? I don't mean you intentionally just completely shut them out and go on about your business but sometimes, all that white noise of toddlers screaming, screeching, bickering and asking "Why? Why? Why?" with "Mommy" on repeat, gets to be a little overwhelming. I think many of us unconsciously tune it out to a degree, especially if it includes any sort of speaking of Whinese but, parents beware, those tiny people notice and you just might get a full on talking to for it. All that stuff you said will come back to haunt you.
I recently saw this video of the cutest little girl in a Frozen costume trying to perform for her parents. They apparently did not pay attention quickly enough and got the talking to of a lifetime, all caught on video. They were completely blessed out by this toddler.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Adorable toddler stands up to her dad in cutest way possible
We've all been here, well, I know I have been. I have two daughters who make everything a production. I have sat through performances of everything from Alice in Wonderland to Frozen and even Les Miserable, with my 2 girls playing every single part. It's cute, for sure. It is endearing and it is memories in the making but when it happens every day, sometimes it loses some of its "OMG" factor which I am assuming is what happened in this situation. For all we know, this was the one hundredth time that day that those parents had sat through that particular performance.
What do you do? Of course it's not okay for your child to go all ballistic on you and read you the riot act for not giving them your undivided attention for every second of every minute of every day but that is the world we are raising our children in. Every one is the center of their own universe but our children want to be the center of ours, as well.
I can say that from experience when small children loose their shit in this way, or even actually do use a curse word, it's almost impossible to keep a straight face from the shock value alone. We had a 2-week period when my oldest was 2 where the only word she would use was the F-bomb. No, I have no idea where she learned it. But at the time, I freaked out. My husband laughed and he told me to ignore it because then it would lose its effect and she would quit. I told him not to laugh because that was giving it attention too. We stopped and she did too.
I assume this little girl just wanted to be heard. She's been heard, by the entire world. Personally, I thought she was adorable and if I were her mom, I would have giggled as well. I also might have given her a big hug and my undivided attention for a little while.
From the time our children can cry, they tell us what they want. We only need to listen and if we don't, well, maybe we deserve to have crazy antics thrown our way so that we know what they want, we stop what we are doing and pay attention to what is right in front of us, the most important thing we will ever do.
Image via Youtube