Okay, so I'm sure you've heard of men that get morning sickness and gain weight when their partner is pregnant. I've heard of it, but to be honest, I didn't thing it was an actual thing, but apparently it totally is because 29-year-old Harry Ashby was diagnosed with couvade syndrome a.k.a. "sympathy pregnancy" after finding out that his 19-year-old fiancée Charlotte Allsopp is pregnant. Oh yeah, and his symptoms are so severe that he actually got sick leave from work to deal with his sympathetic pregnancy. WHAT?!
Wait until you hear about his symptoms!
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According to Ashby, he has gained 7 pounds, developed a gut, has back pain, morning sickness and weird food cravings. Get out of town!
His symptoms started about two months after he found out his lady-love was pregnant. At first he thought he was just sick, but after a doctor's visit he was told he was suffering from a sympathetic pregnancy. He says, "I was shocked. I've been told I'm the first man in the UK to be signed off work for being pregnant." No kidding.
Tell me that it's not some crazy cosa right there? It just goes to show that the mind is so powerful it can make your body do things that defy the scope of reason.
Allsopp's due date is is January 2, 2015. I have no idea when Ashby's sympathetic due date is. I wish them both much luck and health on this journey to parenthood. And I would advise Ashby that when the baby does arrive he better have some sympathetic need to change diapers, clean, do laundry and late-night feedings too.
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