I don't consider myself a super judgmental person, especially not when it comes to mommyhood. After all, every mom has her own style of parenting, no? How you discipline or dress your kid is your business, that is until it puts the child in potential harm. And that seems to be the issue everyone is having with that anonymous mom who posted a piece on Mommyish this week about how she pierced her infant's nose. Now what kind of mom would think that's a good idea?
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The anonymous mother claims she's performed piercings on herself and friend's kids and didn't think it would be a big deal to pierce her baby son's nose. Apparently she "thought it would be cute and culturally unique and meaningful." Really? What's even stranger to me is that this woman claims she didn't expect to receive such negative backlash from it. In a world filled with judgy moms, did she really think she wasn't going to get crap for this?
From the moment she shared a photo of her son with the piercing on Facebook she received one nasty message after another. One mom she had been friendly with called her a horrible person and told her she needed therapy. She got tons of hateful stares and she even lost friends in the process. A few people even threatened to call CPS.
This woman doesn't seem to get why people are so upset that she pierced her baby son's nose. How does she not get it? A nose ring isn't like an ear piercing. It requires a lot more care and comes with a lot of safety risks as well. At least for an infant anyway. With all the playing and finger tugging babies do, this thing could easily get caught on a blanket, clothing or even a toy. It can get infected, the baby could accidentally rip it out and scaring is a possibility too. How the hell can you expect an infant to handle a nose piercing with care?
But what pisses me off the most is this woman's reasoning behind it. She basically thought it would be a "cool" thing to do and didn't think through the possible consequences. Piercing her child's nose was her strange way of telling the world, 'hey I'm a hip new mom.' Sorry, but our kids aren't just accessories we can bling out and they aren't extensions of ourselves either. They are our children and they deserved to be treated as such!
Image via Corbis Images