September will be a very important month to promote events and activities for kids of every sign. It is ideal to give them a structure, an order as part of the first steps of education for the baby now. This month you have to be very careful to find ways to socialize your little baby to prepare your future.
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Here are some tips and recommendations as each baby and their sign:
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Babies of this sign will be very active this month. Try to avoid accidents and oversights, especially. You have to teach your baby that there are limits. Make games where the playing field is limited, which you can achieve by using cushions to teach him up to where he can play. It is important that you put in that playing space very colorful toys with attractive sounds to keep him distracted within it.

Babies of this sign have a tendency to learn at a slower pace than other babies. That's partly the case because they are very sensitive to their parents and caregivers' emotions. Luckily, they are babies that never lose their appetite. This month is important not to over feed them to keep them happy or peaceful. They are obedient babies, and it's preferable not to shout at them because they can become very rebellious and restless.

Babies of this sign are very restless and curious. They learn very quickly the instructions they are given. Therefore it is convenient to help them concentrate with age-appropriate educational games. Avoid digital games on tablets or phones because they sometimes over-stimulate them. What’s important for these babies is to be in contact with nature, something that helps them improve their self-esteem.

This month, babies of this sign need more affection and pampering. They may be very irritable and everything that happens around them may greatly affect them. These babies are very affectionate, loving and charismatic. Ideally, look for games where they can use their hands, with materials such as sand, to build things; pencils, to make drawings; and colored clay (like Play Dough). With elements like these, they can release their emotions, something that will give them great satisfaction.

Leo babies only like water in the ocean or in the pool, where they can move at will. It is important to use this element during this month so they can relax as much as possible. The stars are exerting greater emotional demands on babies of this sign. So it's a period where they will be more fearful. It is important not to leave them alone and to stay with them until they fall asleep. This month, be attentive to signs of anxiety in your baby; play relaxing games and soft music.

Virgo babies are very intelligent and very adaptable, but since they are usually not very demonstrative, they tend to appear shy or not very affectionate. This month is a great opportunity to socialize with other children, to participate in any parties or take a class with other babies of their age. Since they will be more active throughout this month, it is a very good time to stimulate their development.

Babies under this sign are going to be very playful during this month. They’ll be very alert and excited about any gift they receive. When you are going to celebrate their birthday, try to invite clowns or people who make the guests laugh. Libra babies love good humor and laughter. A pet is very important for the development of these children.

This month you should have babies of this sign checked. It would be good to consult the doctor to know what type of food they need, because they can be very active and eat less than usual. A balanced diet can increase their defenses. It is important that you find an activity where they can relax and, at the same time, be stimulated. Try a yoga class for babies, or acupressure and massage for babies. It will be very convenient for them to play with other babies.

This month, Sagittarius babies will be more unruly than usual. They won’t accept limits and will be very authoritarian and they may even throw many tantrums. You should protect the ones that already walk from unnecessary accidents, especially from burns, because they will hardly accept orders or boundaries. These kids love to travel from an early age. Just getting them out of their home and to new environments makes them happy. You should look for activities in the sun to help them in their development.

Capricorn children pay much attention to their surroundings, from a very early age. It is important that their room has games, toys that capture their attention and generate in them some affection or attachment. You will feel their strong personality from an early age. This month it’s important that they can run or play freely with their bodies to improve the development of their bones and the rest of their body in every sense.

These babies will be almost indomitable this month. It is important that all the toys they receive are for months ahead of their age because they tend to get bored and complain with games that do not interest them. Another typical thing is that they will tend to feel very uncomfortable in places they don’t know. The nice thing about these kids is that you can communicate with them mentally when they cry or scream. You have to take them in your arms and imagine them happy. These children are very receptive to their parents’ thoughts.

This little baby is the ideal child because he is affectionate and obedient. You will be very surprised at her powerful ability to create games, and to do it very quietly by herself. For this baby it is important to be in places where he can interact with other children. It is also convenient for him to have a favorite toy he can sleep with. This month she will be very curious. She will need more demonstrations of affection from her parents and a more harmonious climate than ever, otherwise she will be a sponge for negative energy.