Confession: I stopped dreaming about my pre-pregnancy body when I had my second child. Like most expectant moms, I gained a ton of weight after my first baby and was too busy and happy to notice until I became pregnant again. I did the math and didn't want to gain that much weight on top of the weight I already had. So, I stopped comparing my body to the one I had before baby número uno and just focused on keeping the same measures I had after my first child. I realized that the waist line wasn't that important as long as I felt happy and confident.
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I ask you, do you really want the same body you had before the baby? I don't. I like my new body better because I learned to take care of it. Call me crazy, but I think post-pregnancy bodies are way more spectacular. Give yourself some credit because you are a new mom, a new woman, a new companion and you what's really important. I'm not saying that having a baby is an excuse to let yourself go, but you have to stop dreaming about the body you had because it won't come back.
Embrace your new post-baby body because:
1. You gave birth to an adorable new life that will grow up and do great things.
2. It can do amazing thinks like breastfeeding.
3. Your anatomy changed because you were carrying another person inside.
4. Your hormones distributed fat to different parts of your body like your breasts and your hips.
5. If you didn't have hips before, you now have them after the baby and your jeans look better.
6. Your shoulder blades expanded naturally because your breasts filled up with milk. Your posture got better while you were nursing.
7. You developed muscles in your arms from carrying your baby all day long.
8. You now have toned legs from bending down and picking up your child many times during the day.
9. Your waist shrank because your hips became wider.
10. Your hearing became stealth sharp.
11. Your nails became stronger.
12. Your hair now looks radiant.
13. Your skin cleared up and becames very smooth from the prenatal vitamins.
14. You stopped needing so much sleep.
15. Your body built up more stamina.
16. You eat more healthy foods because you want to feed your child well and live longer.
17. Your nerves became stronger and you have super mom capabilities.
18. You know you are beautiful because you hear it every day from someone you love the most.
Image via Corbis