Do you remember the first time you heard a lion roar? I don't, but it must have been something right? I mean it's not like you hear a lion roar all that often. Unless you were raised by a pack of lions or grew up in the savannah grasslands, which I'm going to go ahead and assume isn't true for most of us.
I'm thinking of this because I just got done watching an adorable baby listen to a lion roar for the first time and it is fantastic. You've got to see it below!
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This baby is looking at a book that has a lion drawn on it and after a button is pushed out of nowhere the book starts making a remarkably accurate sounding roar. It's like a recording of an actual lion's roar. The child doesn't just listen to the roar, it's like the roar goes through the child's body and makes arms go jutting out. The baby is startled and you think perhaps this will end in tears, but happily it doesn't.
Check little out this baby experience a lion's roar for the first time and when you are done, check out the other videos below of kids trying things for the first time. They are all great. –Additional reporting by Michelle Regalado
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Baby trying solid food for the first time

Nolan has one of the cutest most expressive faces ever. Watching him try solid food for the first time is wonderful.
Image via YouTube
Little guy tries lemon for the first time!

Watch this little guy try a lemon for the first time ever:
Little gal tries raspberry for the first time

Little Stella tries a raspberry for the first time and her reaction will have you rolling on the floor, laughing.
Coffee for the first time

Watch these kids react to drinking coffee for the first time!
Atomic Warheads for the first time

This little boy tries Atomic Warheads for the first time and it's awesome!
Ice cream for the first time

A baby + ice cream for the first time equals pure joy.