Let me begin by saying that this is not an anti-day care post–nope, not at all. I am the lucky beneficiary of day care. Because of day care, I am able to work full time, which means I can feed, clothe and house my children. I love day care, I think day care is awesome, I want everyone who would like the option to avail themselves of day care to have it, BUT that does not mean that day care is devoid of suckiness.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way so that you don't skewer me with comments about how I'm an ignorant know-it-all who doesn't know what she's talking about, let's move on to the sucky parts of day care.
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Here are six reasons why day care sucks:
1. Your kid will get sick all the time. Doesn't matter if your kid never got sick before they went into day care, once they get into day care they are going to get sick all the time. Especially in the beginning.
2. You will get sick all the time. Oh yeah, whatever nastiness your kid brings home will be yours to share as well.
3. You are going to feel guilty. Whatever the reason you are putting your kid in day care is, no matter how long you've prepared and thought about it, you will feel guilty.
4. You'll wonder if there's something your child can't tell you. That was a huge worry of mine when I put my littlest in daycare. What if something happened at day care and she didn't have the language to tell me about it?
5. You know that no one loves your child like you do. It's not possible for anyone to love your kids the way that you do and now you are sending your kid off to be cared for by people who can't love them as much as you do?! Go back to #3 and get your guilt on.
6. One day, you'll drop your child off at day care and they will take off without saying goodbye. What?! How is it possible that your little baby isn't clinging to you as you leave?
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