Henriette Jonassen is the mother of adorable toddler twins in Norway. She has a particular go-to bedtime routine that stopped working because it's been hot with longer, sunnier days. A friend suggested a new bedtime routine and Jonassen decided to try it out and because she was fairly certain it wouldn't work out, she decided to film the whole routine and the results are hilarious.
The twins have always been put to bed in the same room, but for this experiment, Jonassen tried separating them. You've got to watch the time lapse video below–it is so funny and made me feel lucky that I don't have twins to deal with at bedtime.
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Jonassen gets quite a workout trying to keep her kids not only in bed, but in their respective rooms. It's a total slapstick comedy routine.
The video is so amusing that it has gone viral and that's awesome, but I'm sorry to say that Jonassen has received all kinds of horrible comments. Why do people think it's okay to be vile on the internet?
She's been accused of being a bad mother and encouraged to hit her kids. Really, people? She even wrote a blog post in response to all the haters where she says, "When you call me a bad mom, tell me I never should have kids and encourage me to hit my kids, I can't just sit back and say nothing. I won't. I live in Norway, and if we hit our kids we lose them. Thank god for that!" I say, ignore the haters mama, they obviously don't have your sense of humor or patience.
Now check out the video of these twins running their mama ragged and make sure you watch the end because sleep ALWAYS wins out!
*Image via YouTube*