Mamás, grab a handful of tissues. I want each and every one of you to sit yourself down and get ready to cry while watching one of the most beautiful videos you will ever see. The video features a miracle baby by the name of Walker Pruett who was born prematurely weighing only 1 pound and 3 ounces on April 25.
Please, listen to me and watch, it is a labor of love and profoundly touching. We see so many things that make us forget how wonderful and miraculous life is and this is the antidote to all of that, I promise.
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The beautiful video is a time lapse compilation of photos put together by Capturing Hopes Photography as part of a new wonderful endeavor called "Project 100" that is intended to show the growth of a preemie during its first 100 days in the hospital. In Walker Pruett's case it documents the first 80 days of his life that were spent in the NICU before he was healthy and strong enough to be sent home with his adoring parents.
If this video doesn't make you realize what a miracle life is, then I don't think anything will. You won't just fall in love with Walker Pruett and wish him a long and wonderful life, you will leave with the understanding that, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other, as if everything is a miracle."
Now, watch it and weep and please choose the option of living as if everything is a miracle because it really is and you don't even have to believe in god to think so.
Image via YouTube