Can you imagine the embarrassment this mother had to face? Four-year-old Justin Otero was kicked out of a local doughnut shop in Connecticut on Tuesday after asking one of the costumers at the store whether she had a baby in her belly. Ay!
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The woman probably wanted to ring the little boy's neck, but instead responded with a graceful, "No," and moved on with her business. We bet she was mortified! That would lead anyone to sign up for gym classes and boycott fried foods for at least a week.
Otero and his mother Rebecca Denham apologized to the lady, but apparently that wasn't enough for The Doughnut Inn shop owners. Denham told news outlets that they tried to return for a sweet treat the following day, but were asked to leave and told, "He's not allowed in here. He's rude."
We don't get it. Have these business owners been around toddlers? These kids have no filter–none. We doubt little Justin was trying to be rude. Besides, he apologized after the incident! "Some people, unfortunately are quick to pass judgment, and therefore we will take our money and business elsewhere," said his mom. No matter how ridiculous the owners' reaction was, that doesn't seem like the best response coming from the mother.
Yes, the owners overreacted, Denham could have used this opportunity to sit her son down and explain that certain things are left for kitchen table talk and should not be blurted out. Instead, he is learning that you can walk away from the situation and get camera attention for bad behavior.
Not charming in the least. Well, we are still suckers for the cute little boy! We hope he learns to think before he speaks next time around.
Image via WFSB