Often you hear parents bemoan the downfalls of living with kids, how the home becomes a mess with order difficult to maintain unless you are one of the uber rich who can hire a nanny, a housekeeper and a night nurse. Well, what about the upside to living with kids? Because there are totally perks, my dears.
Those of us who are lucky enough to live with kids, let's take a minute to enumerate the blessings that come with living with children.
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Here are six reasons why it rocks to live with kids:
1. You can always blame them for the mess. If someone shows up unexpectedly to your home and it's a mess, you can always blame the kids, never mind that you've always been messy.
2. You can use them as an excuse to get out of things. You get invited to a "location" wedding (code for spend way too much money coming to my wedding and still get me a gift, 'kay?), you can use the kids as an excuse for not being able to go.
3. At the grocery store you can pretend you are buying food for the kids. You really want to relive the childhood joy of eating Captain Fruit Jacks so you grab some at the grocery store along with some all-white-with-no-nutritional-value bread and when you go to pay you tell the cashier, "Ugh, it's all my kids will eat," which is totally NOT true because you would never let your kids eat that crap. When you get home you indulge and hide the evidence where you kids will never find it.
4. Finally an excuse for all the piled up laundry. You've never liked doing laundry and it has always piled up, but now it is genuinely not your fault because no matter how much or how often you do it, there is always a backup because of your kids.
5. You laugh way more than before you lived with kids. Kids are freakin' funny even when they are not trying to be and they are so much less creepy than payasos.
6. Oh the snuggles you'll get. Kids are the bestest snugglers EVER. They cuddle up against you and it is pure awesomeness.
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