WATCH: Little girl freaks when daddy steals her nose

There is a video that I really, really want you to watch called, "Daddy Stole My Nose!" It was uploaded to YouTube last month by the parents of a 2-and-a-half-year-old cutie named Kyra. From the title you can probably gather that it involves that age ol' game of "I got your nose" (where you pretend to steal a child's nose). Well, Kyra's reaction when her beloved father steals her nose is something else and NOT to be missed. Trust me!

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I've watched this video a few times now and it delights me every single time. When the video starts, Kyra's nose has already been stolen by her father and she is in tears over it. Her father tells her, "Ask mummy where your nose is." and Kyra looks distressed as she looks at her mother and asks, "Where's my nose gone?"

This little girl truly believes that her nose is gone and that she has lost it, that she will have to face a noseless rest of her life and it is just too much for her to handle. Not to mention dealing with the pain of having had your nose stolen by your actual father, a man who is supposed to protect you.

Now, before you go and think that it is cruel to laugh while a child goes through such emotional turmoil, you should know that the about section of the video on YouTube has the following disclaimer: "No Kyras or noses where hurt in the making of this video ;)."

The delight that comes from watching this little girl's reaction isn't because of her tears, it's because of her utter suspension of disbelief. She lives in a world where her imagination and understanding allow her to believe that noses can be swiped off your face. That is amazing and as we all know, not something that lasts very long.

Check out the video, but be warned that it will leave you with the desire to go steal a 2-year-old's nose!

Image via YouTube*