One thing I was never allowed to say while growing up is, "shut up." My mother considers "shut up" to be one of the ugliest phrases in the English language and I have to agree with her, it's rude and ugly. It has no kindness, finesse or grace to it. I did not grow up with a mother who told me to shut up and I, in turn, will not be telling my kids to shut up. Does that mean I don't at times want them to SHUT UP? Of course not, I'm human and they can be really loud for a ridiculously long time, so I find ways to get them to shut up without actually telling them to shut up because that would be rude.
Feel free to use my methods to get your kids to quiet down as well.
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Here are five ways to get your kids to shut up without saying shut up:
1. Whisper at them. When your kids are being super loud and you want them to lower their voices, whisper at them. They'll quiet down if only to hear what you are saying to them.
2. Distract them. If they are being loud because they are bored and need to blow off steam. Give them something to do. Pull out a game they can play, send them to the backyard, let the watch Frozen for the billionth time.
3. Threaten them. I know this sounds awful, but I do it all the time. When my kids are repeating a request to me over and over again and it is driving me crazy I say, "Ask me again. Ask me one more time and I will not do it for you." Works every time because they know I'm serious and then it becomes funny because they start laughing at how hard it is for them not to repeat it.
4. Listen to them. Maybe they are being loud with you because you're distracted and not listening. Stop and listen to them. Tell them you heard them and chances are they will lower the volume.
5. Teach them to wait their turn. Why is it that as soon as you get on the phone your kids HAVE to talk to you? Stop for a second, explain to them that you are busy and that you will listen as soon as you have a moment. Then follow through on your promise. Do this when they interrupt you in conversations with other people too. Say it respectfully, something along the lines of, "Excuse me, I'm speaking to so and so right now, when I'm done you can tell me what you need to tell me."
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